"Isn't there anyway you could come back to McKinley?" Mercedes asked, and Kurt's fake smile fell.

"I would be all for it if it weren't for Karofsky." He pouted and Santana suddenly became interested in the conversation.

"Wait, what did you just say?" She asked.

"Kurt needs to be safe." I said, and Kurt got uncomfortable.

"Can we please change the subject?" He muttered and Blaine and I started discussing our next date plans but we were interrupted by Santana standing up.

"I've gotta gay, go. I've gotta go." She said, walking away quickly and I stifled my laughter in Blaine's shoulder.

"I love everything about you. I think you should write 'Too perfect' on your shirt." Blaine said, while he was trying to braid my hair.

"While I appreciate the compliment, you are the only person who thinks that. Left over middle, right over middle, baby. I need something serious. What is your least favorite thing about me?" I reminded him how to do my hair and he quickly restarted.

"I seriously love every part of you." He laughed and I groaned.

"If you make me ask Kurt, I will murder you. He is going to tear into me and your opinion matters more to me than his anyways. I promise you I won't be mad." I said, fiddling with my hands.

"If I have to say something, even though I love it and it slightly turns me on, probably how jealous you get. I mean, you hate Rachel even though we both know she poses no threat to us and the same goes with Cameron." He said, still focused on the braid.

"I'm only protective of you because I love you and I hate when other people think they love you more." I pouted, and I heard him laugh.

"But nobody does, right? So you shouldn't be mad." He smiled, and turned me towards the mirror to show me the braid. It was a little wonky, but he tried his hardest and that was all that actually mattered.

"It's beautiful. I can still be upset though." I laughed, turning around and sitting in his lap while putting my hands on his neck.

"I mean, I'm not complaining because it is extremely hot." He leaned in and kissed me passionately and I pushed him onto the bed to get on top of him.

"I know David has had some issues in the past but I have great respect for what he's doing right now and I ask you to hear him out." Figgins said, as he stood at the front of the choir room with Karofsky.

"First, I wanted to say how I'm sorry for what I did to Kurt and Sami and for what I've done to a lot of you. I think I've slushied every one of you." Karofsky said as the memory of my first slushie rung through my head and I shivered.

"I treated Kurt the worst, and I'm really ashamed of who I am." I saw Santana mouthing the words and I knew she had something to do with this.

"Why should we believe you?" Puck asked, I always admired Puck's kindness to Kurt, he always stuck up for him.

Santana had begun dating Karofsky and I knew it was a fake relationship, Santana had told me she was in love with Brittany and I knew Karofsky was gay.

They started a club called the Bully Whips, and with this I knew Kurt would be able to come back since Santana was controlling Karofsky.

"It's noon! Which means, it's official." Mercedes smiled but all of us were confused.

"What's official?" I asked but I was quickly answered.

"My transfer! Kurt Hummel's back at McKinley!" Kurt yelled from the top of the stairs and I gave him a large hug.

"You didn't tell me you were coming back!" I yelled, playfully hitting him on the shoulder.

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