Bereal-Drew Starky

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You are in a secret relationship with Drew Starky, while you are sleeping Drew's BeReal goes off.

You were laying next to your boyfriend Drew, you have been in and out of cautiousness Drew saw this so he decided to speak up.

"Y/n, honey, go to bed I know you are tired." He said.
"I'm not tired. You are delusional." You mumbled in to your pillow.
He laughed slightly at that, making sure not he be too loud so he doesn't make you more awake. Drew then smiled at you and went back on to his phone going over some lines and scenes for the next filming day. It was barley five minutes when you looked down you were out like a light. You were laying on your stomach, your hair in your face with your leg bent over Drew's leg.

He then heard the BeReal chime go off and he smiled. He then turned the camera at you and turned on flash. He made sure that the blanket was high in your body the edge of the blanket under your armpit as your arm was over it. He also check of your face was covered. Even though you both agreed this is how you would "spill the beans" Drew wanted to keep it a surprise for how you look to his friends.

The flash then goes off and then goes off a second time on his face. He only has people that he know in real life and that he's close to on his be real.

After time went on he was just laying on his back looking at the roof thinking about how lucky he is to be with you. When he checked his phone he saw a bunch of BeReal notifications. He saw that it was a bunch of reactions from his friends, all of them were shocked, but within there shocked face you could see that they were happy for Drew.

Hope you enjoyed!! :)

let me know if you have any requests? If you do just comment the general idea and the person you want. I write for the Marvel cast and OBX cast. (Sorry if I don't get to your idea)

Sorry this was short and I randomly had this idea.

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