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Yes I have decided to write a chapter about Jessie. Because why not.

Hello. My name is Jessica Miller. But people call me Jessie or Jess for short. I don't care either way. I am 17 years old. So still in high school.

My life hasn't been the greatest right now. My girlfriend broke up with me. I'm getting behind on school. And my older brother Nick enlisted in the Army. He left a couple days ago.

My parents are good people. But they don't really understand. Everyone knows I'm gay. My family always knew. So it wasn't like a big deal when I officially came out to them.

They love me and accept me for who I truly am. But the people at school don't. They make fun of me. Call me names. Shame me.

I feel bad for anyone else who has to go through that. I even feel bad for me.

I walk into school clearly not happy to be there. I walk to my locker and when I opened it a note fell out.

Can you guess what it said. You probably can.

Go to hell freak!

I wasn't going to cry. I wasn't going to be weak. I saw my ex hanging around some guy. She broke up with me after people found out about me. She said she didn't want to be apart of it.

We hung out a lot. So people could easily find out about her.

Such a bitch.

I really do hope things turn around though. I saw a poster that said there was a writing contest. I guess God's on my side today.

I went to the room where the signups were. I walked in and everyone stared. Maybe this was a bad idea. But then a woman with a warm smile walked up to me.

"Here to sign up?" She asked me. "Um... yes? I saw the poster and I was wondering if I still could." I said.

"Of course dear." She said handing me a clip bored and pen. I signed my name. "Jessica?" She asked.

I nodded and smiled. She then started to discuss what I needed to do. I smiled while she was talking.

I walked out with determination. I walked the halls and some girls pointed and laughed. I rolled my eyes and just flipped them off. Their smiles faded immediately.

I smiled and kept going. I reached my car and drove to work. I worked in this coffee shop. It was a nice place to work. I mean I get free coffee.

I walked in and took in the delicious smell of coffee. I went behind the counter and put on the apron.

Throughout the evening people were combing in and out. But of course I have bad luck and I see my ex. I scoff as she came over.

"Well... if it isn't the lesbo herself." She said with a laugh. "Sorry sorry... but didn't you sorta date me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"That's all in the past now. Im cured from that awful disease you propel have." She said.

"You want something or not." I asked blood boiling. "Yes." She said.

She then ordered and sat with her new boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and continued to take orders.

My boss walked over to me. "Hey Jess." He said. "Hey." I said with a smile. "Are you okay? You seemed kinda mad or annoyed." He said.

"I'm fine. Just my ex. Everything's fine." I said. "Okay." He said.

I returned home and wanted to work on my writing. I was really hopeful. I really wanted to show people how good of a writer I am.

Two weeks later I won! Me! I have never felt happier! They liked it! They really liked it!

I got my letter. My acceptance letter! To Yale! Fuck yea!

My family is so happy for me. I love going to Yale now. I've made new friends. Mike and his boyfriend Will. Their so cute together!

Max and Lucas. Their together. Dustin and Susie. Everyone is with someone. I'm extremely happy for them but I wish I had someone. Maybe soon!


Okay! So I know people came here for Byler but I enjoy wiring Jessies character! So I decided to write her own chapter!

And do you guys want maybe Jane and Jess to get together maybe? Because I want Jessie to have someone and I also want Jane to too.

Have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 752

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