chapter 17

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Satoko felt horror creep into her mind, Rika was now sobbing loudly into her chest and apologising over and over. "R-Rika! It's okay- you did nothing wrong!" Satoko started softly stroking Rika's hair, desperately trying to calm her down. Satoko was in great distress from Rika's behaviour but couldn't let it show, Rika was clearly suffering quite a lot right now so Satoko couldn't let her selfish emotions get in the way of her being a good comfort to Rika.
"Satoko... You've been nothing but wonderful and yet all I do is worry about you! I feel so bad! I've been thinking of you like some unstable creature that could just crack at any moment! Your so wonderful and I'm awful!" Rika clung to Satoko. "S-see? I'm so awful I won't even let go of you so you can be with someone better because I want you to be mine! I won't let you be anyone else's I won't let you leave! Even though I'm so much worse than you!" Rika sobbed into Satoko's chest
Satoko wrapped her arms around Rika tightly, trying to show she was similarly attached to Rika. "R-Rika, no... No, no, no, no, no! You're perfect Rika! I don't think you're a bad person at all! And, even if you are, I don't care! I love you! I want to be with you forever! I never want you to look at another person the way you look at me! I never want to be with anyone else! Rika, you are everything I need!"
Rika buried her face into Satoko letting out soft sobs. "S-satoko..?"
Satoko kissed the top of Rika's head. "Yeah...?"
"C-can you just hold me for a little while...?"
Satoko softly rubbed Rika's back. "I'd love to..." Satoko shifted a little. "Would you rather get into bed properly or stay like this...?"
"Bed..." Rika mumbled, the emotional honesty had clearly made her not want to talk much.
Satoko shuffled to her feet taking Rika with her, but supporting her a little as she did, in this moment Satoko was filled with such love and care for Rika that her negative emotions were gone and all that mattered was comforting Rika.
Satoko had to softly lift and place Rika into bed as she seemed to just remain leaning on Satoko even when Satoko asked her if she could move.
Satoko quickly got into the bed beside Rika, laying on her back.
Rika quickly snuggled into Satoko, resting her head on Satoko's chest, Satoko wrapped and arm around Rika, softly stroking her back as Rika took Satoko's free hand with both of her hands.
Being snuggled up like this made Satoko's heart flutter a little despite the sadness that surrounded the situation.
Rika seemed to have stopped sobbing and was just sniffling every now and then.
Satoko sighed softly and comfortably. "Is this comfy, Rika..?
Rika nodded bringing Satoko's hand, that she had captured, up to her face and kissing it affectionately.
"Thank you, Satoko...." Rika closed her  eyes seeming to drift off almost instantly, leaving Satoko with her thoughts as she held Rika close.
Satoko kept softly rubbing Rika's back staring down at her. She felt so bad for Rika, who knew she was so insecure about this relationship? You couldn't tell from her incredibly confident behaviour. Satoko was horrified that Rika felt at all bad about herself, Rika was amazing, beautiful and perfect... She was better than Satoko in every way? Why did she think herself unworthy?
Satoko sighed, kissing the top of Rika's head before sleep claimed her too, thanks to the warm sensation of Rika so snuggled up to her.

Satoko awoke to the feeling of Rika shifting on top of her. "Hm? Are you okay..?" Satoko opened her eyes looking down at Rika.
Rika rolled off Satoko. "Y-yeah, I'm okay..." She turned to her side to look at Satoko.
Satoko rolled onto her side to. "Oh, good..." There was a little bit of awkwardness in the air after what happened last night but that was only natural.
Rika smirked. "Satoko, move down the bed a little so I can hold you, now, I know you like being held."
Satoko blushed and scooted down a bit, snuggling into Rika so she was now just below eye level with Rika. "Honestly, Rika..."
Rika giggled wrapping an arm around Satoko and raising Satoko's chin with her other hand. "I'm sorry but you're just so cute like this... Can I kiss you?"
Satoko nodded and closed her eyes, waiting for the kiss.
Rika pressed the softest possible kiss to Satoko's lips before going in for another kiss, this time with a little more force and a little longer. "Awwhhh... I love you, Satoko..."
Satoko opened her eyes and looked into Rika's eyes, Rika's eyes were so incredibly soft and loving it made Satoko's heart flutter and her mind melt into a mush of love and affection for her dear, beloved Rika... "I-I L-like you too... R-Rika..."
Rika smiled and giggled "That helps, Satoko... With the way I've been feeling..." She leaned in, taking Satoko's lips into another kiss, this time she moved her hands to be upping either side of Satoko's face, as she kissed her.
Satoko slid her hands on top of Rika's, the love in Satoko's chest was so intense it almost hurt as she kept kissing Rika, hoping that each little kiss would convey the immense love she felt of Rika.

Suddenly the door burst open and Mion pulled the sheets off Satoko and Rika, making them both jump. "Oi! You two! You're missing breakfast, lovey dovey can wait until later, breakfast is happening now!"
Satoko whined covering her face, was the door not locked? They must have forgotten in all of the distress of last night. "Don't carrreeeeee...!"
Rika soon followed Satoko's whine with a simular one. "Wanna stay in bed all dayyy...!"
Mion let out a sight, throwing the blanket at the two. "You two are crazy."
Mion pretty soon after making that statement left the room, leaving Satoko and Rika staring at eachother in embarrassment.

AN: Ayyoooooo that was pretty gay- why do I write so much cuddling and kissing??? Lmao-
Anywho, hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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