chapter 5

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Rena blinked a couple of times before looking incredibly apologetic. "Sorry, sorry! I didn't realise you didn't want to tell people yet!"
Satoko smiled at Rena a little awkwardly. "Ohohoho, don't be!"
Rena nodded enthusiasticly before begining to walk forwards again, pausing to glance back at Satoko and Rika. "Oh, are you two gonna come to the social room? We're gonna be playing cards!"
Satoko and Rika glanced at each other before nodding.

Upon entering the social room the three were greeted by shouting, yelling and laughter, Keiichi had stood up on the table and was demanding something unintelligible and the whole room was full with the stench of drink. Satoko and Rika awkwardly weaved through the crowd surrounding the dark oak table to take a seat on the long sofa on the same side of the room as the bar was. They sat down close together watching the chaos of club activities combined with alcohol unfold.
The room was almost unbearably loud as people were shouting over the game of cards that Keiichi was evidently losing. Satoko found herself cowering a little close to Rika, who seemed more amused by the scene than anything. The loud clattering and screaming was begining to grate on Satoko as the noise seemed to surround and close in on her. She tried to let out a bigger breath to calm herself but it ended up coming out as more of a shaky whimper.
Rika noticed this and put an arm around Satoko leaning to speak in her ear so she could be heard over the cacophony of the others. "Are you okay? Do you need to step out of the room?"
Satoko shook her head, she didn't want to ruin this for Rika, Rika was clearly having fun and Satoko didn't want to be selfish.
Rika wrapped her other arm around Satoko pulling her in "Are you sure? You seem really shaken up."
Satoko felt herself lean against Rika, trying to block out the rest of the room and focus solely on Rika.
Rika softly kissed Satoko atop her head and stroked her hair.
Satoko felt herself begin to calm down slightly but panic arose in her again when she started to worry about weather anyone had seen Rika kiss her on the head. No one seemed to be confronting them so she assumed they hadn't.

Satoko's eyes opened and she adjusted to a much more somber atmosphere, had she passed out?
Rika was string into Satoko's face with a rather worried expression when Satoko opened her eyes, causing Rika's face to light up. "Satoko? Are you okay?"
Satoko nodded sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She was still in the social room but the atmosphere had calmed down, there were only a few people in the room and they were holding quiet conversations amongst themselves, not of Satoko and Rika's friends were in the room. "Yeah... I'm okay..." Satoko yawned a little, still feeling disorientated.
Rika let out a sigh. "I'm glad..."
"Where did everyone go?"  Satoko glanced around the room.
"After you passed out some of them began to realise and they took their game elsewhere." Rika adjusted Satoko's hair band, which had gone askew.
"Why didn't you go with them? Weren't you enjoying yourself?" Satoko felt guilty for ruining this for Rika.
"It was only mildly amusing, I'd rather be with you." Rika sat back against the back of the sofa.
Satoko felt her face heat up at Rika's words, did Rika really like her that much? "Oh... As long as you're not missing out on stuff you want to do..."
Rika placed a hand on Satoko's cheek. "You're worth more than anything else I could be spending my time on."
Satoko blinked unable to quite process what Rika had just said.
Suddenly Rika took Satoko's hand and lead her out of the room. "Wanna grab some food?" she enquired.
At that moment Satoko realised she was intensely hungry. "Yeah, I would like that."
The two wandered into the large main hall of the ship, it was beautiful, really. It had been made much more inviting than a normal ship by there being plants littered throughout, they were going to be living the rest of their lives there, after all, so it had to be livable.
The came to the door leading into the eating Hall and it opened in front of them, the eating Hall was unlit and dim as no one was using it at the time. Rika pulled Satoko in with her and towards the kitchen without turning the lights on. "Must be hungry, huh?" Satoko chuckled.
Rika joined in. "We're just snacking, it's not like the lights are strictly nesisarry, some comes in from the hall."
They stepped into the kitchen and Rika let go of Satoko's hand to rummage in the cupboards while Satoko leaned against the counter watching her.
Rika had to stand on her tip toes to reach the higher shelves, which made Satoko chuckle, Rika was so cute.
Eventually Rika emerged from the cupboard and launched a box of crackers at Satoko's face, which she caught with only mild unease. "Careful with that, you coulda taken me out!"
Rika leaned against the counter next to Satoko with her own box of crackers. "Should have been prepared." She shot Satoko a smirk.
Satoko opened her box and then opened the packet inside taking a mouthful. "'ou shouwda no' fwon it tha' hawd!" Satoko spoke her voice muffled by the crackers she was trying to eat while talking.
"Satoko, eat than talk, you could choke!" Rika let out a soft laugh at Satoko's behaviour.
Satoko grunted in response continuing to eat. Satoko got about half way through the box before deciding she had had enough and put the box down on the bench, reaching into one of the cupboards for a glass. She filled her glass with water before returning to her spot beside Rika who had finished eating long before her. "Do you want some water? Those crackers were pretty dry, ot might be a good idea." Satoko suggested to Rika.
Rika glanced up at Satoko, seeming to be only half present. "Yeah, sure."
Satoko put her glass down and walked over the get Rika her own glass.
As she approached the cupboard, Satoko heard rika speak. "It's a shame we were interrupted earlier."
"Hm?" Satoko responded turning to see that rika was stood right behind her, which made her jump a little.

Rika took a step forwards. "You're really cute when you're all flustered by me kissing you."
Satoko felt her face heat up at Rika's comment and she struggled to form her words or thoughts. "I-"
Rika pushed Satoko against the wall and smiled up at her innocently. "Wanna pick that back up?"

AN: Lol, I'm ending it there because hah! No more romantic mush for you. xd anywho, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next!

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