the fever

436 9 2

Timeskip 1 month

Inosuke P.O.V

We're dating for one month and still nobody knows about our relationship. Well we're often together, kissing, cuddling and more. But today I couldn't find her, so asked one of the triplets.

,,do you know where Aoi is?" I asked.

,,she's in her room, she has fever" she answered.

,,okay thank you" I nodded.

,,but no one is allowed to visit her" she said.

,,oh okay" I hesitated.

She's sick and has fever? Poor Aoi, even though no one is allowed to visit her, I sneaked into her room. I quietly opened the door to her room and saw Aoi sleeping peacefully, I slowly closed the door and sat down next to her. A cold rag is on her forehead, is it that bad? I took her small hand and her temperature was really high, suddenly she opened her eyes and yawned.

,,good morning" she smiled.

,,uh good morning" it was actually evening.

,,I thought no one is allowed to visit me" she mumbled.

,,that's true, I sneaked into your room, and did you slept the whole day? because it's evening" I said.

,,the fever is still bad" she mumbled.

,,can I do something for you?" I asked.

,,please stay with me" she got tears in her eyes.

,,of course" I smiled.

,,I don't want to be alone" she started crying.

,,no I won't leave you, I will stay here" I took her hand.

She were crying, maybe she feels too bad that she could be alone. If Shinobu see me, I will die, or if anyone see me but Aoi doesn't want me to leave, so I stay.

,,everything is okay, you just need to rest and I will stay here with you" I smiled and took her hand a little bit tighter.

,,I'm so glad that you're staying with me" she wiped her tears away and hugged my hand.

,,but I want you to rest now" I smiled.

,,but I don't wanna sleep" she laughed a bit.

,,well just stay in the bed" I smiled.

,,I can do this" she smiled.

,,well can I do something for you?" I smiled.

,,tell me about your day" she smiled.

,,at first, I were at a mission with Zenitsu and Tanjiro, no one got hurt badly, then I were at a meeting at the demon slayer headquarters and then I bought something to eat and then I came to you" I smiled.

,,sounds cool, I never were at a meeting at the demon slayer headquarters" she smiled.

,,by the way, are you hungry? I got something for you" I smiled.

,,I'm not hungry" she smiled and shook her head.

,,but you need something to eat" I laughed a bit.

,,okay, okay" she laughed.

She slowly sat up and I gave her something to eat, I think she didn't ate anything today, she was sleeping the whole day. Suddenly Shinobu knocked on the door and I quickly hid in her cabinet.

,,um come in" Aoi said.

,,are you feeling better now?" Shinobu came in.

,,yes, I feel so much better" she nodded.

,,good, do you want something to eat?" Shinobu asked.

,,no thanks" she shook her head.

,,but you was sleeping the whole day, aren't you hungry" Shinobu asked confused.

,,no I'm not hungry" she shook her head.

,,well I can't force you to eat, I'm going to sleep now, good night" Shinobu went out.

,,you can come out" Aoi smiled.

,,well she didn't found me" I laughed.

,,she was focused on me, so she wouldn't notice, if someone is here" she laughed.

,,by the way, why I am not allowed to visit you?" I asked.

,,I think she doesn't want anybody to get sick too" she laughed.

,,I wouldn't mind if I get sick" I smiled.

,,right, then you have a reason to stay here" she laughed.

,,of course" I smiled.

Meanwhile it was 10 p.m and she fell asleep, she didn't want me to leave so I decided to sleep by her side, next to her, I kissed her on the forehead and took her hand and closed my eyes and fell asleep too.

Zenitsu P.O.V

,,where the fuck is Inosuke again?!" I screamed.

,,calm down, why are you angry about that?" Tanjiro asked confused.

,,because we are a trio and a trio stays together! So why did he leaves?!" I said.

,,because he has his own private life and it's okay, I'm often out with my other friends" he said.

,,wait when?!" I asked quickly.

,,when you're asleep, so you wouldn't scream at me" he smiled crooked.

,,I am the only one who has no friends?!" I screamed.

,,I don't know, but we all have our private life, so we can go where we want to" he jerked with his shoulders.

,,so I should accept that Inosuke isn't here at night?" I asked quietly.

,,yes" he nodded.

all the dreams we have [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now