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Aoi  P.O.V

I slowly woke up and looked around, I thought I still dreamed because I was on a mountain. I looked around and noticed it was the mountain where I was yesterday. Did I fell asleep on the mountain yesterday? I sat on Inosuke's lap and leaned on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me, so I didn't froze, and he was asleep too, he leaned his head on my head. I blushed so hard, I didn't knew what I should do. It's so warm, I wish I could stay here but I have to work. But if I move he will wake up, so I slowly tried to get free and I did it! But should I leave him? No that's mean. So I decided to write a letter, but fuck he can't read, I thought for a few minutes and I got a idea. I draw a heart on a letter and put it in his hand. Well I ran back to the butterfly mansion and started to work.

,,did you fell asleep on the mountain?" One of the triplets asked.

,,yes but please promise to not tell anyone" I said.

,,but why?" She asked.

,,listen someone wanted to show me something but I was tired and fell asleep" I answered.

,,someone? Did he or she left you behind?" She asked.

,,no, he stayed with me" I blushed.

,,wasn't it cold?" She asked worried.

,,no it's wasn't he kept me warm" I blushed.

,,who's that?" She asked excited.

It was silent and I blushed hard, I didn't knew what I should say, I think she would tell Shinobu, I don't know why but I think she would be mad at me.

,,I have to go" I hesitated.

,,but who is it?" She asked again.

,,I really have to do something!" I began sweating.

Inosuke  P.O.V

I woke up and remembered I fell asleep with Aoi on the mountain but Aoi wasn't here anymore?! She probably went to work, but she left something, in my hand was a letter with a heart on it, it blushed and decided to keep it. I went back to the demon slayer headquarters, and there were Zenitsu and Tanjiro.

,,where were you?!" Zenitsu screamed.

,,I just were on the mountain!" I answered.

,,but why?" Tanjiro asked confused.

,,I just were looking for something!" I lied and blushed slightly.

,,and for what?" Zenitsu asked.

,,who cares?!" I asked.

,,by the way we got a mission, just a normal demon in a village" Tanjiro said.

,,okay, then let's go" I nodded.

Aoi  P.O.V

I were in the town to buy something for Shinobu, basic first aid things, medicine and more. But suddenly I noticed a crying child, without parents. 8 or 10 years old maybe.

,,hey, are you lost?" I asked.

,,yes, I can't find my parents" the kid answered.

,,maybe I could help you" I said.

But before I could say something or the kid could say something, someone came and took my shoulder and pushed me away.

,,go away from my child, you bitch!" It was a not so friendly looking man.

,,I just tried to help!" I said.

,,I don't need your help! Now go away!" He said.

The kid still were crying, maybe it's not his parent, or the kid is scared. That happens often, people always swearing at me, most of them are drunk. Or I get hurt happens often too, and I don't know why but I don't tell it anyone because I don't want people to worry about me.

,,stupid slut" I could hear him while I was walking away and I got tears in my eyes.

Well they both left and I decided to buy the things I have to buy and then I quickly went back to the butterfly mansion.

,,I got the resource" I told Shinobu.

,,good, put them into the shelf" she smiled.

I put then into the shelf while I was thinking about that dude, he was drunk and the kid had bruises. I wish I could do something more than that or something else. Only thinking about making me cry, but I tried my best to not cry. Well I finished my work and I went into my room and were crying and hugging my legs. Well I have a another mental breakdown, I just hate it so much, always swear people at me when I'm just trying to help, even Zenitsu sweared at me as I tried to give him his medicine...

,,are you crying?" I heard Shinobu knocking on my door.

,,don't worry about me!" I answered.

,,what happened?" She asked worried.

,,it's okay!" I wiped my tears away.

,,I don't think it's okay when you're crying in your room and no one letting into your room" she said.

,,I don't wanna talk about that!" I said.

,,okay, if you want, but I want you to know I'm always there for you" she said.

,,thank you" I mumbled.

all the dreams we have [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora