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Inosuke P.O.V

We came back from the mission, with no injuries. I was happy that not got hurt. Well we were at the demon slayer headquarters and I thought about Aoi, I took out her letter with the heart on it and smiled.

,,what's that?!" Zenitsu was behind me and looked at the letter.

,,is that a love letter?" Tanjiro joked.

,,that's non of your business!" I put the letter away.

,,oh come on just say it!" Zenitsu begged.

,,no, that's private!" I said.

,,by the way, why aren't you wearing your mask?" Tanjiro asked.

,,I don't know, why do you ask?" I said.

,,just asking" Tanjiro smiled.

,,well I have to go now" I sighed.

Zenitsu P.O.V

Inosuke left and went to the butterfly mansion, he's really acting weird, he's nicer and doesn't wears his mask.

,,he's acting weird" I looked at Tanjiro.

,,maybe he's in love" he smiled.

,,really, do you really think that he's in love?" I asked.

,,yeah why not, who do you think he's in love with?" He asked.

,,well he went to the butterfly mansion, I think it's Aoi, what about you? What do you think?" I answered.

,,I think it's definitely Aoi" he smiled.

,,and when can I be alone with Nezuko?" I asked.

,,never!" He answered.

,,oh come on please!" I begged.

,,maybe I will think about it" he hesitated.

,,oh yes!" I screamed in joy.

Inosuke P.O.V

I were at the butterfly mansion and I was looking for Aoi but she wasn't here. Well I just found one of the triplets.

,,hey you, do you know where Aoi is?" I asked.

,,I don't know, maybe she's in her room, she has free time right know, so she could be everywhere" she jerked with her shoulders.

,,where is she the most?" I asked.

,,she's often in the garden but she isn't there, so I think she around the town or in her room" she answered.

,,okay, thank you" I nodded.

I went to her room and it was quite, so I don't think she's in her room, I knocked on her door and waited for a answer.

,,who's there?" She asked.

,,it's me, Inosuke" I answered.

,,oh okay" she stuttered quietly.

,,are you okay, it sounds like you're crying" I asked worried.

,,no I'm fine!" She answered.

,,can I come in?" I asked.

,,n-no!" She stuttered.

,,huh? Why not?" I asked.

,,I'm just busy" she answered.

,,but one of the triplets said you have free time" I said.

,,but my room is a mess, so I'm cleaning my room!" She said.

,,all right... than I will come back later" I hesitated.

I knew it was a lie but I decided to leave, she needs her privacy but something bad happened, definitely something bad happened. I actually don't want her to be sad but she wants to be alone, so I won't hurt her privacy. I just went back to the demon slayer headquarters, just thinking about what might could happened to Aoi. I didn't expected that Aoi is that emotional, I mean she was definitely crying and I just wonder why.

Tanjiro P.O.V

,,I think he's in love" I smiled.

,,do you really think Inosuke is in love?" Muichiro asked.

,,definitely, I mean, he's kind, doesn't wears his mask and more" I answered.

,,hmm maybe you're right" he smiled a bit.

,,hey you know what? It's going to be night, let's drink some tea at a restaurant!" I smiled.

,,good idea" he smiled.

We are really often at different restaurants and do many activities, doing mission, sleep overs, visiting a lot of restaurants and a lot of things more. We are very close friends, very close. So we went into the restaurant and got a table.

,,so what do you want?" I asked.

,,I think I'm just order a tea and something to eat, what about you?" he answered.

,,I think I'm gonna order some tea and some noodles" I smiled.

,,isn't this the restaurant where Mitsuri always is?" He smiled.

,,yeah she says it's really good, she's often there with Obanai" I smiled.

,,of course with Obanai" he playful rolled with his eyes.

,,well literally everyone knows that they both are in love with each other but don't tell each other" I laughed.

,,well I kinda understand them, I mean it's hard to say someone his feeling" he smiled.

,,well you're right, but it's obvious" I smiled.

,,even though it's obvious" he laughed.

Then our tee and dinner came, and we started eating, this restaurant is really good, I believe that Mitsuri is often visiting the restaurant. After we ate up we stayed at the restaurant and continued talking about a few themes, but as it was the middle of the night we decided to go home and go asleep.

all the dreams we have [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu