Season 1 Finale. Chapter 5: Moving Day [Unfinshed]

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(A/N: Might be  a Short chapter)

Summary: During ch4 while Y/N was rocking the fuck out. His Parents were watching news for the local school. They saw their son and thought he was making a fool of himself, they crash the after party and take him home when noones looking. They then decide to finally move. Y/N is thanked by the school. Fleetway's find out and confront the parents taking Y/N for themselves and finally freeing him.

(Here's a small example of me writing notes when I'm making a chapter or oneshot, anything currently in writing either has a small summary, or I go to the later part of said chapter and start writing a climax I find interesting to myself.)

A Mean Girls Soft Spot (Female Fleetway Sonic x Depressed Male Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat