Chapter 3: Thoughts of Sorrow [Unfinished]

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Summary: Takes place 5 day before the concert at Ashleys Partys, the transitions into the School Concert. Y/N Now just loosing the last respect from anyone falls into his deepest depression, finally having the intrusive thoughts kick in, full gear. Andrew had left him because of suspicion during ch1. And Ashley finally got her revenge on Y/N. Being Told to kill himself by the Anonymous person online was the final nail in the coffin as Y/N gets ready to end his life. He's in a dormant locker room in the school, considering doing it in there or on stage to show what the school's done to his life. But Sunky Turns it all around.

Shame. That's what everyone had on you. Mockery as well. All the photos revealed, most photoshopped but some real.

( For anyone confused, the summary is kinda bad. Basically Chapter 1 Y/N Obviously has feelings for Fleetway. In Chapter 2, it's revealed Y/N did something to Ashley to get her suspended, and she publicly shamed him in front of everyone, making up lies and revealing everything. Andrew turns his back on Y/N both from Y/N liking Fleetway, and some other guilt. In this chapter, Y/N starts getting small love messages, or just casual messages for a random person (which was gonna be Fleetway) and then after Fleetway is convinced these rumors about Y/N are true, she wishes he dies, and says exactly that. In the next chapter it's show Sunky actually wasn't gonna help Y/N, it was Andrew. This is basically just a small recap of our broken plot!)

A Mean Girls Soft Spot (Female Fleetway Sonic x Depressed Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now