The Return of the Batman

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We come back to Gotham University that later afternoon where Dick and Barbra after helping rebuild the Batcave and get Bruce back on his feet 

Barbra: You really think Bruce can manage? His back still isn't 100%. 


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Dick: Bruce is a stubborn bastard. Nothing can make him take a night off. 

Barbra: I can see why my dad likes him

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Barbra: I can see why my dad likes him. You know Dick when I first met you I thought you were a creep. But I guess that's cause my dad's paranoia. But the last two months we spent's been a hell of a ride. I mean Gotham's a mess now but...guess I can see why you and Bruce try hard so hard to protect it.

Dick: I do want to help the people Babs. But I can't live under his shadow forever. I know Bruce has his reasons for keeping me in line but I have to make it out on my own. That's why I leave Gotham after college. 

Barbra widen her eyes hearing that 

Barbra widen her eyes hearing that 

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Barbra: Leave? But where?

Dick: I don't know. But....I was hoping you could come with me.

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