Gothcorp's secret

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Selina was brought in the batcave passed right out and moved to a heating room to warm up

Selina was brought in the batcave passed right out and moved to a heating room to warm up

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Bruce stood out the glass door worried if Selina would make it still in his batsuit in his mask 

Bruce stood out the glass door worried if Selina would make it still in his batsuit in his mask 

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Alfred feeling for Bruce came beside him

Alfred feeling for Bruce came beside him

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Alfred: Are you alright sir?

Bruce: I should have gotten to her sooner. If I hadn't in time....

Alfred: You mustn't blame yourself. Ms. Kyle's heart rate is slow but still managing. 

Bruce: Freeze will pay for this. Taking Ferris Boyle was one thing but trying to kill Selina...he's made it personal. 

Alfred: What was Freeze doing there? As if taking Boyle wasn't enough. 

Bruce: He took the diamond Selina tried to steal there. It was one of Boyle's collections.  He must have a connection with Freeze.  Contact Lucius Alfred I need to know what Gothcorp had in stored with the weapons Freeze is using. 

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