Jade Zombies

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"Good morning Alexis." Tigress says as she finds Alexis attacking a tree one morning.

"Morning Tigress." Alexis says.

"I'm a little surprised to see you out training around this time of day. Usually you are on your walk by now." Tigress says.

"Oh um I just thought I'd switch up my routine a little." Alexis says as she smiles shyly while continuing to attack the tree.

"Care for a sparing partner? A master such as yourself shouldn't be fighting against a tree. It's not a worthy opponent." Tigress says.

"You don't have to train with me Tigress." Alexis says.

"No but I want to." Tigress says kindly.

"Alright then." Alexis says as she blushes.

"Ready." Tigress says as she takes a fighting stance.

"I'm ready too." Alexis says as she and Tigress begin fighting.

"I'll repeat my earlier statement from last night's conversation. You're a very well trained master in your style on fighting." Tigress says as she and Alexis are fighting.

"Oh. Thanks. Ah!" Alexis says in alarm as Tigress grabs her and pins her.

"But you still have some things to learn. Such as not getting distracted to allow your opponent to get the upper hand on you." Tigress says.

"Well I'm happy I have you to learn from." Alexis says as she blushes slightly.

"I am as well. Come on Alexis. I know something is on your mind. Usually you're more focused than this." Tigress says as she smiles while blushing slightly.

"I guess I just miss Master Vulpine. She's like a mother to me. I miss Rosa and Mako too." Alexis says as Tigress helps her up.

"I know you miss them... If you want we can go visit them sometime. I'm sure Shifu wouldn't mind." Tigress says.

"Really? You'd come with me?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Of course." Tigress says as she smiles.

"Thanks Tigress." Alexis says as she smiles.

"You're welcome. Now come on. The others wanted to go eat." Tigress says as Alexis walks off with her.


"We'll have to Justice Platters please." Po says as the group arrive in Ping's Noodle Shop.

"Um... Three." Monkey says as he looks at Po.

"And a few tofu buns." Crane says.

"And the spicy noodle soup for Tigress. Did you want extra sauce with that?" Po asks as he looks at Tigress.

"She wants it on the side." Alexis says as she smiles at Tigress.

"On the side." Tigress says before the group then leave with their meal and head back towards the Jade palace.


"You guys aren't doing the dramatic pose are you?" Po asks as the group arrive back at the Jade palace.

"Do we have to do a pose every time we land?" Mantis asks.

"You guys never underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance. I've heard about some masters who can win a fight just by throwing open a door." Po says as he goes to kick open the door but stops as he almost kicks Shifu.

"Dramatic entrance?" Shifu asks as he smiles.

"Master Shifu." Po says as he steps away from Shifu.

"The Dragon Warrior is correct." Shifu says as the group look at him.

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