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Written By: K.C

Lightwood-Bane. Break noses with flair, and accept the consequences with a side of glitter. That was the new family motto as proposed by Max Lightwood-Bane when he was five years old. The motto soon became a favorite of the Lightwood-Bane boys to tell each other and their parents if ever they felt unsure about something. When Magnus and Alec adopted another Shadowhunter and Warlock -Thomas and Natalia, respectively- Rafe and Max were quick to install the motto into their younger siblings as soon as they arrived. Whenever they went on a mission, either together or with a different team, they could be heard repeating the motto as a personal pep talk. It worked wonderfully. One sibling definitely took it literally more often than the others. Tensions had already been growing steadily higher in the London Institute since the arrival of the Inquisitor and High Warlock of Alicante's oldest and youngest child. Very quickly, it became rather obvious to Natalia that they did not like her. Whenever she and Rafe were in a room together, they only spoke to him, and pretended like she didn't even exist. Even in mission-related things. Whenever something went even slightly wrong while she was present n a mission, blame was placed on her. Natalia had been trying to hold it in for weeks. Only two more weeks before their assignment was over and they could return home. Rafe knew how much his sister hated it here, and shared her sentiment. He reprimanded the Head of the Institute about their views and treatment of Downworlders, even after the war 18 years ago. Today though was the final straw. Natalia had finally snapped. She was ready to break noses with flair, and accept the consequences with a side of glitter. And that's exactly what she did. A mission debriefing had been halfway done, the team blaming Natalia as always, and ignoring her whenever she spoke. "ENOUGH OF THIS!"

The volume and strength of her voice made everyone except Rafe freeze. The boy simply shook his head, knowing this was coming. Honestly, though, he couldn't wait to go home early. Natalia's glamour fell, and her twin cat tails whipped around in anger behind her. Eyes on fire with anger, she punched the Head of the London Institute right in the face. The man fell to the ground and everyone snapped out of it, pulling their blades on the warlock. Rafe saw this and grew slightly angry himself. "Drop your weapons."

"But sir-"

"Drop them, NOW."

The Head stood up, ignoring the slow trail of blood flowing from his nose. "I can have you punished by the Clave for this, Warlock."

Natali punched him in the face again. "My name is Natalia Lightwood-Bane. The youngest child and only daughter to Inquisitor Alec Lightwood-Bane, and the High Warlock of Alicante, Magnus Lightwood-Bane. Don't you dare try and threaten me with the Clave."

She grabbed his collar and pulled him close. "I and my brother were sent here on request of the Clave to see how you treated Downworlders. Clearly, nothing has changed."

She dropped him and looked around. The Shadowhunters all looked at her with slight fear in her eyes. Rafe looked at her with a slight smile.

"The Dark War was won 18 years ago with the help of my father's people. You would do good to follow the new policies, and learn some friggin respect. I could end you right here, right now with a flick of my wrist if I really wanted to."

"Natalia," Rafe called, and his sister looked at him. "Calm down."

"Fine." Natalia looked around the room again, then back to where the Head stood, holding a towel up against his nose. "I hope I never have to see any of you filthy Nephilim again. If I do, you should better have learned some respect and hope I've had a good day."

With a flick of her wrist, a portal appeared. One last glance around the room, and she disappeared inside. Rafe followed her, stopping just before he entered, and turned to the head. "The Clave and my fathers will hear about this. I don't know what their response will be, be you had better be prepared if you get replaced."

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