Plans and Ilusions

Start from the beginning

Shouto ( He was just not the type to do it, I know he despises his dad who is a pro hero but that was just about it, and besides he had PLENTY of opportunities to become a villain before, why start now?)

Midoriya (To be honest I don't know why I trusted him, but my heart told me that Shouto fell in love with him for a reason, I know he could be faking all that sweetness but like he said yesterday I choose to trust my friend)

Kirishima (his personality just told me that it was not him since it wouldn't be manly enough to go behind your friends, beside i'm pretty sure he is scared of his Bf so no, not him)

One by one i started discarting my classmates, Kaminari no, Tsuyu no, Ochaco no, Aoyama no till I was left with a list of 5 people

Tooru (her invisibility quirk made sense if you wanted to plant evidence)

Mineta (I just despise the guy)

Ojiro ( he was quick and silent like a ninja)

Kouda ( he could always send his animals to do the work and appear to be with everyone)

Tokoyami (he knew how to hide well in the shadows, and even better he had a shadow of his own)

It really made sense that it could be one of them after all they have always been with the group, they were really secretive well Tooru not that much with Mina but at our sleepovers she could gather valuable information, I would have to pay close attention to them

Just as I was finishing my list I didn't noticed I had cross the finish line for the 10th time meaning my training would start, Midnight was nowhere to be seen but she wasted no time, as soon as I could turn I saw a pinkish gas coming full force at me, I quickly made a gas mask to not breath it and started looking for my teacher

"Not bad Momo, but can you find me before I knock you out?" Midnight said from somewhere on my left and before I could say anything a whip tore the mask from my face

"dang it" I quickly created a new one and held my breath till I had it over my face again I then went to my left only to have the whip take my mask again, I created a new one but knew it would be ripped from me in a few seconds, I had to think of another way, I was still looking for Midnight having to create mask after mask after mask just to have her take it away, I knew I was close to my limit so I had to find her and fast, but how could I do that?

"oh" I said before creating something that had helped me before like I said before it was too early and everyone was still sleeping, beside Kyo and All Might were on the Gym so when Midnight tore another mask from me I held my breath and used my heat tracking device to locate her, still holding my breath I kept running to her avoiding the whip she was using to try and take my tracker with, my chest was screaming for me to breath it was starting to feel as if my chest was on fire but I couldn't give up, so I ran as fast as I could to reach Midnight and with a quick swing of my staff hit her straight in the head, I couldn't held my breath any longer then and as soon as I breath the pink fog I started feeling lightheaded just as I was falling I heard Midnight said

"Well done young hero"

I woke up at the infirmary, Midnight was next to me smiling and giving me thumbs up

"You did it Momo you won, I told you just had to trust more" she said but how could I have won if I blacked out?

"But you knocked me out, meaning you won right?" I asked and Midnight smiled

"I didn't knock you out, you got to me and hit me making me stop my quirk, you blacked out rather by the lack of air, than my quirk, I know you will say you saw the pink gas but if i'm not still letting it out it doesn't have any effect so you won" I was surprised not only did I won but Midnight had told me her weakness, well that added her to the list of teachers I trusted, why tell your enemy how to defeat you if you were trying to destroy them?

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