Author's POV :
It was evening now, the soft glow of the setting sun was casting a warm and inviting light into the cabin .

Jungkook looked up from the computer screen and stretched his arms above his head, feeling the stiffness of sitting for so long.

As he looked around the room, his gaze landed on Taehyung, who was dozing off on the couch with a magazine in his hands.
Jungkook couldn't help but smile at the sight . Taehyung looked so peaceful, his features relaxed in slumber.

He slowly made his way to the couch and knelt down beside taehyung and gently brushed a stray strand of hair away from his face."Tae," Jungkook whispered softly, his voice filled with affection, "I'm done. Let's go home."

Tae stirred in his sleep and his eyes slowly fluttered open, he was greeted by the sight of Jungkook's warm smile.
"I'm sorry I didn't realize when I dozed off," Tae mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Jungkook reached out and gently held his hands, stopping him from rubbing his eyes.

"It's okay, no worries," Jungkook said softly. "Let's leave now. I'm pretty sure you're hungry. Let's go out for dinner." Tae's stomach rumbled in agreement and his cheeks turned pink. After exiting the building both of them got in the car and drove away.

As Tae and Jungkook drove through the city, Tae couldn't help but steal glances at Jungkook as he focused on the road. The streetlights illuminated his features, casting a soft glow on his face. Tae felt his heart flutter at the sight of Jungkook's profile .

After a while they arrived at a cozy little restaurant that tae had never been to before. They found a secluded booth in the corner of the restaurantfor themselves and sat there .

Jungkook's POV :
Tae was going through the menu , jungkook couldn't help but notice how tae's eyes sparkled in the candlelight. He felt a warmth spread through his chest, a feeling that he couldn't quite explain but didn't want to ignore. Tae caught his gaze and smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners in a way that made Jungkook's heart skip a beat.

Their dinner conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared memories.
Kook found himself lost in the moment, captivated by taehyung's genuine smile. He realized that he had never felt more comfortable and at ease with anyone else.

After both of them were done , Jungkook paid the bill and they left the restaurant, the cool night air swirled around them as they walked back to the car.

Tae shivered as the icy wind blew sending a chill down his spine. Jungkook noticed this and without any hesitation, he reached for his coat and draped it over tae's shoulders , the warmth instantly seeped into his freezing body.

"Better now?" Jungkook asked softly, concern evident in his eyes. Tae nodded at him and both of them settled in the car and drove back to their mansion .


After reaching the mansion , jungkook took a shower and now tae was taking a shower while kook was busy with his laptop catching up on some work emails while he was waiting for Tae to finish.

Suddenly, he heard Tae calling out for him from the bathroom. Jungkook quickly set aside his laptop and walked over, concern etched on his features. "Yes, Tae, what's wrong?"

Tae's voice sounded a little hesitant. "Um...Kook, can you please get me my clothes? I forgot to bring them in with me."
" yeah sure " jungkook said and grabbed tae's clothes that were kept on the bed and went towards the bathroom .

As soon as tae opened the door a little , forwarding his hands for the clothes an evil idea popped in his mind .
"Actually, I have a better idea," he said and without any warning, jungkook swiftly got in the bathroom grabbed Tae's wrist who just had a towel wrapped around his waist and pulled him towards the shower.

Tae yelped in surprise, not expecting the sudden turn of events. "What are you doing, Kook?" he asked, trying to free his wrist from Jungkook's grasp.

Jungkook just chuckled, as his eyes sparkled with mischief. "I think you need a proper shower, Tae," he said with a sly grin. And with that, Jungkook softly pushed Tae under the warm spray of water only with a towel .

Tae sputtered holding the towel around his waist trying to shield himself from the water, but Jungkook was relentless. He laughed looking at the other struggling.

"Kook, this is not funny!" Tae protested, but Jungkook just shrugged . Seeing this tae pulled kook with all his strength and now he was also under the shower .

Both of them were thoroughly enjoying the chaos created . Finally, kook turned off the water, with a silly smile on his face . "Sorry, Tae, I couldn't resist," he said, offering Tae another towel to dry off with. Tae couldn't help but laugh at his absurdity "You're such a troublemaker, Kook," he said, shaking his head in amusement .

With that , tae pushed jungkook out of the bathroom got dressed in his nightwears and helped jungkook to dry his hairs . After they were done kook switched off the lights and both of them went to deep slumber with a satisfied smile adorning their faces.

Hey guyssss👽 !
I'm back with a new chapter after a very long timee i hope you'll like it ❤ I'm so sorry to keep you guys hanging 🤡 Do vote if you liked this one 🌺 LOVE Y'ALL<333

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