💤sleeping issues💤

406 8 0

based on the writing prompt above ^^

Everybody decided to have a pizza night, it was only a few people. Elton, Corey, Colby, Jake and hopefully Sam when he came downstairs, he was editing all night, so everyone thought he was asleep. "Colby?" Colby looked over at Corey, "Mhm?" Corey laughed slightly, "Do you wanna go check on Sam?" Colby nodded, and headed for the stairs. He walked up the stairs to see Sam at his computer half-asleep, "Hey buddy?" Sam jumped, "Oh hey, Jake." Colby raised an eyebrow, "Jake?" Sam blinked for a second, "Sorry dude- Hey Colbs." Colby looked at Sam, his eyes were heavy, and his words were slurring together. "You're tired, go to sleep Sam." Sam shook his head. "I just posted the video, like a second ago. I need to make sure it's posted." Colby sighed, "Come downstairs with me and get some pizza, man." Sam nodded, he stood up walking stumbling into a wall, getting Colby's attention, Sam laughed. "I'm alright, I'm alright dude." Once Sam, and Colby got downstairs Sam grabbed a slice of pizza, and leaned against the doorway to the kitchen. Colby still glared at Sam, Sam just returning a soft smile. Elton raised an eyebrow, "You tired, Samuel?" Sam shook his head, "Nope." He said popping the P. Sam sat down on the couch. Colby watched as he slowly started falling asleep, Corey came over and nudged Sam, (Thanks a lot, Corey.)  immediately woke up, sorta shouting, "IM AWAKE-" Corey fell on the floor from laughter, Colby just smiled, and gave Sam a quick kiss on the forehead, knowing he couldn't stay up much longer. Sam smiled, he started talking about the video, "And then-" Sam started yawning through about every-half a sentence. Colby decided that was enough, he got up and threw Sam over his shoulder, "HEY- COLBY." Colby didn't respond he just climbed up the stairs, "Mmh, goodnight Sam." He threw Sam down on the bed. "But i'm not tired," Colby smiled. "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep, alright?" Sam nodded, getting under the blanket. Colby sat down on the bed, humming softly while stroking Sam's hair, he watched as Sam's eyes slowly fluttered shut. He softly kissed Sam's lips and whispered goodnight, he turned off the light and came downstairs.

AUTHORS NOTE: i know this is short but 🙏 yeah, anyway! I'm planning smut in the next chapter so, be on the lookout for that. -Sam💤

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