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Morning Glory.

When one heard the name, they assumed it had to do with the flower, and that it was a name given to someone of great status and power.

While that was indeed very true, the she-cat bearing this name felt nothing like a queen at all as she lay in her nest, eyes gazing forlornly at the two cats she'd mothered all her life.

They were sharing moonlight together, grooming each other's fur as they chatted softly with each other, resembling a pair of lions sharing a meal in the light of the dawning horizon.

On one paw, she had a good and steady relationship with her son Jagged Slash. He looked up to her and respected her, and she had been supportive of him when he chose to take Foxglove Heart, his royal advisor, as his mate. He also came to her often for advice, and would usually share prey with her if he wasn't with his mate.

But on the other paw, she had a drastically failing relationship with her daughter. She loved Glacier Storm, really, she did. But her daughter wouldn't accept the fact that she had been manipulated by that grizzly-heart Daisy Fang into believing Glacier Storm was a murderer.

Add in the fact that her daughter was a Dragon Soul and was capable of controlling every element... well, it was a believable lie.

Glacier Storm had returned after her exile during the Cult Invasion, full of hate and anger. She'd transformed from a lively and bubbly she-cat who was happy every day to a cold-hearted, stone-faced killer who snapped at every cat who pushed her limits.

Morning Glory drew a pained sigh. She was happy that her son and daughter had the perfect sibling relationship; they cared for each other and loved each other dearly. The two also loved their father too, spending time with him very often and taking time to hunt with him.

But no matter how hard she tried, no matter how many times she apologised, Glacier Storm would never forgive her. The last time she tried had ended up with her daughter storming off late into the night, probably to the Golden River or the Ashes Sycamore.

If she couldn't even get along well with her child properly, what good was she to be a queen? She couldn't even convince her daughter to sit on the same side as her on the Blossoming Tree during tribe announcements. Morning Glory rested her head in her paws and curled her tail around her body.

She hoped the Gods above heard her silent prayer; her prayer for her daughter to finally forgive her, and for her stepbrother's lost daughter to finally come home. Her own daughter wouldn't take a mate, and Jagged Slash refused to get a she-cat pregnant and force her life to be stripped away just so she would be a surrogate mother.

The last time the throne ended up in a non-royal's claws had ended up sparking a war. If her children wouldn't get kits to inherit the throne when they passed, the tribe would be in danger. The kin of her stepbrother was her only hope left.

With that thought, she slowly drifted off to sleep, just as the sky turned dark and the Stars twinkled brightly like gemstones on a satin sheet.

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