"Pei Sheng, you're an Omega, so it's always inconvenient." Shi Jing was confused by his proposal, and said persuasively.

    This Omega is really BIG guts! He's not afraid that something will happen to the lonely and widowed? !

    Pei Sheng stuffed the washed military uniform into her arms, and said happily: "Okay, okay, you don't have to worry about that. As a medical student, no one is more suitable to take care of you than me! Don't worry, I won't worry about it. I'll cause you trouble..."

    Shi Jing's temples thumped and he was slightly shocked: "I didn't mean that..."

    Before she could get back to the topic, Omega had already taken out the electronic pen from her trouser pocket and was leaning over There was a string of phone numbers written in the bag of clothes, and he looked up at her as if his eyes were stained with glazing, "Where is your address? You can write it on my cuff."

    Shi Jing had already been stuffed before he could react. He picked up the electronic pen, held Pei Sheng's slender wrist, and wrote a string of addresses of her apartment near the Imperial School on his cuff. The fingertips were unknowingly stained with a light lime smell, and when she came back to her senses, Come, Pei Sheng smiled brightly and waved his hand to say goodbye to her, bouncing around like a rabbit, and disappeared after a while.

    This Omega is BIGBIBIGBIG! !

    He rubbed his temples for a long while, holding the bag and controlling the maglev wheelchair to walk towards the barracks.

    As soon as she entered the tent, the bag in her arms was snatched away with a "whoosh". When she looked up, she saw Qin You jumping five or six meters away with the bag in her arms. Qin You, who thought it was something rare and rare, was disappointed when she saw her military uniform. She raised her eyebrows and said provocatively, "Aren't you capable?" clothes?"

    Qin You picked up the clothes and sniffed them, then smiled and said, "Hey, it's still a bit fragrant...it seems to be lime."

    "Give it to me!" Seeing this, Shi Jing drove the maglev wheelchair and rushed over to grab the clothes back.

    For some reason, she just didn't like the smell of other people on that military uniform.

    Qin You dodged sideways, and said with a baffled smile on her face, "You borrow my military uniform to wear, and Omega washes it for me, so it's still mine!

    " He stood up and shot at the military uniform.

    Qin You is not a vegetarian either, so she lifted her military uniform and walked towards her palm.

    One palm and one foot collided, Shi Jing grabbed her foot and dragged it to the ground, prompting Qin You to throw a cross on the ground, and the two fought against each other dozens of times in the room, making a mess everywhere. Throwing the military uniform to her, he rolled on the bed and distanced himself from it, raised his hands in panic and surrendered, "All right, all right! Yours! You can give it all to you!"

    Shi Jing grabbed the military uniform, dusted it off, and sniffed it closer. After sniffing, he really smelled the smell of lime. He didn't expect Pei Sheng to wash his clothes so carefully, so he sat back in the magnetic levitation wheelchair with satisfaction, sat down and slowly folded the military uniform and put it back in the bag.

    The military doctor outside rushed over when he heard the commotion, and when he saw the mess in the room, he looked at Qin You with an innocent and pitiful smile. Without saying a word, he squatted down in front of Shi Jing and rolled up his trousers. Sure enough, he saw the gauze on his calf was smudged again. Turned red, cursing and cursing: "You'll be useless and lame in the future, don't blame our medical department for this! You dare to fight with Qin You while you're still recuperating! Don't kill you!" The

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