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 It's the next day. Jake and Norm are trying out the avatars making sure everything works out well. Right now, I'm lying in bed, I have nothing to do today. looking at the clock besides me showing the time saying that its noon, slowly I get out of bed stretching and yawning in the process. grabbing some clothing out of my bag, a black gym bra and a pair of black underwear. some ripped skinny jeans and a loose red T-shirt that hangs off my shoulders. quickly making sure that the papers were still in my bag, I'm going to throw them out tomorrow on out trip to the wood. Walking down the hallway and into the women shower room. seeing as its mid-day and everyone's already up, I lock the bathroom door and started to strip. turning on the water to scalding hot. waiting for the water to warm up I looked into the mirror. staring at my reflection. 

I have long pitch-black hair that reaches to the middle of my thighs. i have dull gray eyes that are narrow my eyebrows are bushy but not big, my nose is Greek like and my lips and big and flush. my jaw line is prominent, and you can see it well, my body is chubby my thighs are thick full of fat and muscle same with my arms, and my boobs are a d cup. my body is covered in scars from all the fights I've gotten into with my victims though my biggest one is the one that starts in the middle of my chest and in a long-jagged line it goes down to the bottom of my stomach stopping just before my uterus.

seeing that the mirror is starting to steam up I hop in and take a quick shower. one I finished i hopped out and got dressed as quickly as I could without looking in the mirror. unlocking the door, I walk to the lab and see Max standing in front of a window he gave a small sigh the turned around and started to walk away.

''Max, hey, wait up, where are you going?'' I asked. 

Max turned around and looked at me, but he was still walking, just backwards.

'' I'm going to go outside would you like to join me?'' He asked. he had a small smile on his face, it was nice. I gave a quick nod, running up to him he turned around as I walked next to him. stopping at a door that I expect to lead to the outside, we grab the exo-packs, but I don't turn mine on. we walked out the door. if i say that it was okay would be a lie, although I can't see the actual forest you can see the plats and the Avatars running around playing basketball or they are running through a training course. 

''so have you given any thought as to what make you different from the others.'' Max had said pulling me out of my daydream.

''yes, I have, and I still don't have an answer to it.'' I spoke. I haven't been able to get it out of my head even though I killed Brook Caller, I had done it for the planet, right. well i think i did it for the planet.

he gave me a slight nod. we walked for a little bit in silence. further in the distance i can see Jake and grace talking. Sadly, Max walking in the opposite direction than them.

'' Where are we going?'' I asked curios as to where we were headed.

'' To talk with an avatar Hayden. He said that he was having some problems with it.'' Max said in a bored tone.

''So, what made you want to become a scientist?'' 

'' i was always interested in it as a child and as i entered my teen age years i had grown to love it more and more. when i had went to college i was planning on just looking at planets and do research from a distance but one day two men had come to my classroom in collage and asked if they could talk to me. they started to talk about pandora and how I might have an opportunity to go up there I had obviously said 'yes' and now I'm here.'' He said looking at me but still watching where he was going.

''What about you, your childhood what was it like.'' max asked I could hear the slight excitement in his voice. feeling a bit bad because I don't know much passed 15 years old when i had started to kill.

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