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We had landed the ship on the ground of pandora we all had our exo packs on. The only way to tell the difference between me and the others was that my hands were hand cuffed behind my back to make sure that I wouldn't kill anyone. Kind of stupid if you ask me because I don't need my hands to do that. As the entrance opened, the marines all got up and we walked out of the ship. Behind me I hear one of the sergeants' yells at someone.

'' Come on special case don't make me wait for you.'' He had yelled.

Turning around to see a man wheel himself out of the ship. I stopped and waited for him to catch up to me. He had looked up and given me a nod, and we got off the spaceship completely and went to where we had seen the other disappear into. A man in a in armor walked Infront of us causing him to turn to go behind him.

'' Watch it hot rod.'' The man yelled at him. A car had come up to us causing us to stop and let it go by. In the wheels of the car was arrows from what looked like the Na'vi. 

We had finally caught up to the group and watched the colonel give a little speech to scare the men.

''You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen. Respect that fact every second of every day. Out beyond that fence everything that crawls, flies, or squats in the mud want to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubees.''

  The men had settled down by this point and me and the man had gone by a table in the back sitting down on it the man continues. Though by this point I stop listening to him. Looking down at the man he smiled while the colonel continued to talk for what felt like hours. When he had finished his speech me and handy capped walked off. From behind me I can hear a man run up to us.

''Hey, you're Jake, right?  Toms' brother? You look just like him. Sorry I'm Norm Spellman, I went through Avatar training with him.'' The man named Norm had said. Watching as the two shake hands. Norm had turned to me.

'' Hello, Miss I'm Norm, are you two friends? 'He asked. Jake looked up to me a little curious to who I am as well.

''No, I've been following him since we got here, my name is Billy. The mass murder who was sent here so the government wouldn't have to deal with me.'' I said with a straight face.

With a scared look, Norm looked away from me and started to talk with Jake again.

''Tom.... he was a great guy-- funny. It was a shock to all of us.'' Norm had said.

Jake had started to push his wheels to start moving again. Slowly I followed behind listening to the conversation.

''Obviously you look like him. I mean, if you weren't genetically identical, you wouldn't be taking over his Avatar.'' Norm said.

''That's why I'm here.'' Jake replied with an uncomfortable voice. From what I've gathered Jake is brothers to this man called Tom who died and for some reason he is here. Probably has nothing else to lose. Kind of sad though, I do wonder how he died.  The conversation had started to get boring, so I spaced out. They were going to the bio lab I'm assuming to look at the Avatars. Walking by one of the desks I had snatched a paper clip and started to pick at the lock on the cuffs. After a minute of fighting it, the cuffs had loosened up on my left hand. Pulling my hand out of the cuff, I took them out from behind me I started to work on the right one, that didn't take me as long as the first one. I had dropped them on to a random desk and walked over to the Avatars. The pods had come out of the wall to let the people out. Behind me a woman starts to yell. Not giving her any mind, I continued to look at the Avatars. You can obviously tell who is who, they were blue and big. Slowly getting bored I walked over to Jake and Norm.

''Grace this is Jake Sully-'' A man said.

''Yeah, yeah, I know who you are, and I don't need you, I need your brother, you know the one with the PhD who trained for three years for this mission.'' Grace had said. 

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