Gay Princes I ^

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Scars Scene- Warrens POV

Warren and Maki are two of my characters in a book I'm writing- I might make a bio page if yall are interested but just for reference-

-Maki is about 5'9", white blond shoulder length hair, wears dark clothes, gay

-Warren is 5'11", dark curly hair to about his jaw, wears white and gold, also gay 

(warren is trans just fyi) 

TW- scars?



Sitting on the bed, the two stared at each other with wide eyes. Maki put a finger to his lips,

"Shh... they won't look in here, it's off-limits," He smiled.

Warren nodded solemnly,

"Whose room is it?"

"It's mine—they aren't allowed in here, though, so I think we're safe."

Warren nodded again. As they sat, listening to the footsteps fade, the air between them grew tense. Maki leaned forward, bracing his hands on Warren's legs where they sat crisscrossed. He got just close enough to let him back away if he pleased. When he didn't, he pressed his lips softly to Warren's.

Warren tensed and backed away slightly,

"Prince Mak-"

"Oh, please, no need to be formal with me... I thought we were past that?"

"Well, I just thought-" He paused,

"I—I don't know what-" He gave up, looking down to where Maki's hands were still on his legs.

Maki lifted Warren's chin gently,

"I'm sorry for springing that on you, I-" He moved closer, giving him a chance to pull away,

"May I?"

Warren nodded, moving to close the gap between them.

They broke apart after a few seconds and Maki sent him an inquisitive look. When Warren nodded, he kissed him again. Again and again. A few bumped teeth and missed mouths but this was all either of them wanted. This was nothing like how the stories told it. Every person who ever described kissing someone made it seem so impersonal—like it was all about the kiss.

But this? This was about the kiss—but also Maki, and his hands, and his lips, and his breath on Warren's face, and it was about the two of them there together. Nothing about this was allowed, but everything about it was so, so right.

Maki trailed his lips from Warren's mouth to his jaw, then his neck—going slow in case Warren wanted him to stop. Warren was enthralled with bliss, savoring each kiss and each touch. He wondered what more he could find in heaven than this?

Maki continued to kiss him, pushing him down so he was above him. Stopping at Warren's collarbone, he looked up, tugging gently at the collar of his shirt,

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"God no, please don't stop?"

"As you wish, love... May I?"

Warren nodded.

Slowly, Maki undid the top buttons of Warren's shirt, grazing his lips down his chest. He stopped around the third button down, softly tracing his fingers across twin scars. He scoffed lightheartedly,

"What? D'you get these from fighting a dragon or something?"

Warren's features turned quickly from surprise to something dark and he pushed Maki off of him, holding his shirt closed, and sitting up.

As he re-buttoned his shirt, he mumbled,

"Yeah, something like that."

Maki sat stunned,

"I'm sorry—did I do someth—did I say something wrong?"

"No it's just—it's nothing—I forgot—I'm sorry-"

Warren rolled across the bed and stood to leave, crossing the room. Maki followed him and caught his arm before he reached the door,

"Look, if it's because of the scars—if you think I won't like you because you—"

He looked around, searching frantically for words,

"I—I dont mind. It doesn't bother me. One bit."

Warren's gaze softened. Maki pulled him closer, holding him by the waist,

"So please... stay?"

Warren dropped his gaze to the floor between them, then back to Maki,

"Alright. I'm really sorry I freaked out, I—I don't know. I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's alright, love. When I said I want to get to know you, I meant all of you. I'm convinced there is nothing about you that would turn me away, okay?"

"Don't be so sure."

"Warren, this might seem a little forward and a little rushed, but—from where I'm at, I know I can love you, yeah? And I'd like to love you for as long as you'll let me. Please?"

Warren was silent for a moment, then,

"You're not joking?"

"I'm not joking."

"Hm. I wish I could say I feel nothing for you, but—that would be a lie. Maki, I know we haven't known each other for too long, but—you make me feel safe. And anything that makes me feel safe is worth keeping."

"You don't confess your love to people often, do you?"

"Shut up."

"Make me?"

"I'll leave that part up to you."

"Oh? Well, Prince Warren, like I said before—as you wish."

"I thought we were done with the formalities?"

Maki smiled, pulling him in for a soft kiss.

He pulled back from Warren,

"Still, if you're not ready for anything or if I make you uncomfortable, please just tell me. I'm okay with waiting, hm?"

Warren put his hands on either side of Maki's face, leaning their foreheads together and closing his eyes,

"I'm okay now, I just... didn't know how you felt about... that."

"It doesn't change how I feel about you, yeah? But please promise me you'll tell me if you're uncomfortable, okay?"

Warren whispered a muffled,

"I promise," as he found Maki's lips.

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