Newt and Frypan filled their bags in the other room. Teresa ventured into another room, and Emma followed numbly behind. It held abandoned mattresses and books. Teresa moved her flashlight on a mannequin. She gasped, backing into Emma. Neither were expecting it. Newt looked up at the sound, immediately on edge. "You guys okay?"

"Fine," Teresa answered for them. "Sorry, Em."

"It's fine," she responded.

The girl eyed her, a frown on her face. "You okay?"

Emma refused to meet her gaze, knowing Teresa was looking at her sympathetically. Her blue eyes were always full of emotion, and Emma feared she would get lost in them. Rather than responding, she gestured to a table full of clothes. "Look."

"Great, this works. We should pack extra."

Emma set down her flashlight and took off the shirt she was wearing. The shirt that smelled of roses. The shirt that WICKED provided her. Grabbing a new black top, she slipped it over her head. Teresa got dressed beside her. Next, Emma unbuckled her belt. She grabbed a pair of tan loose pants and put them on. Lastly, she grabbed a dark brown jacket. Opening her bag, she stuffed a scarf inside, along with three shirts, a pair of green pants, and socks.

Zipping the bag closed, she slung it over her shoulder. "There are shoes over here."

Emma walked around the table. "Nice." She began searching through the shoes, which were either too big or didn't have a second shoe. Finally, she found a pair of black boots. Taking off her shoes, she put the new ones on. They fit perfectly.

"Come on." The others were moving into a different area. Teresa nudged her friend forward. Emma went willingly.

The group met in what looked like a large hallway. Winston and Jack had emerged from a back room, both carrying bags. Emma hoped they found food somewhere. Thomas and Minho were the only two missing, but she wasn't worried. Emma knew they would come back. "Hey, where are-"

Suddenly, all of the lights turned on. "Well," Newt muttered as he looked around. "I guess they found the lights."

With the lights on, the building seemed even bigger. The center of the building expanded several levels with sand piles on each floor. Whatever this place was, it was evident it hadn't been used for its original purpose in a very long time.

Emma ventured down the corridor cautiously. "What's going on?" The lights flickered but remained on.

"No idea," Frypan responded.

"Hey," someone screamed distantly. Emma turned around, noticing Thomas and Minho running toward them. "Run! Run!" They all stood there. "Go!" Something was chasing them. Emma took a step back, lips parting.

"Shit," Newt whispered in shock.


"Go," Frypan yelled. "Go, go, go." Emma started running in the opposite direction. Whatever was chasing them snarled loudly. Thomas and Minho were getting closer, but now more things were pursuing them.

"Go, come on!" The group merged as the two joined them. "Let's go." They ran up an escalator.

"What the hell is chasing us," Winston screamed. Emma didn't dare to look back.

"I don't know," Thomas responded. "Keep going!" They got to the top but had no exit strategy. They were simply running from the things chasing them. "Don't look back."

"Move! Come on." Emma wasn't nearly as fast as Minho and Thomas.

"Where are we supposed to go?!"

"I don't know!" They ran as fast as they could from the things chasing them because that was all they could do. "Just keep moving." One of the creatures appeared in front of them. "Oh no."

Left Behind -Gally-Where stories live. Discover now