No he can't let anything destroy his relationship with his love....and how dare that girl trying to separate his love from him....

"No baby...I am sorry...I ...I will make sure to notice my surroundings....please don't cry"kook spoke hugging tae close to himself....

"You te-ll me...if....if you sa-w me bei-ng so-me one's ar-ms like yo-u had th-at bitch...ho-w wi-ll you feel"tae mumbled making kook to shut his eyes....just the thought of what tae said made his heart to burn with jealous and anger....

He can't see tae being like that for someone...he would definitely feel hurt....and now he understood how tae must have felt seeing that ....just the imagination is hurting him so much than how much the moment tae had got hurt when he saw everything.....

"I am extremely sorry love....I am dumbest person to exist in this world....I am sorry "kook whispered series of sorrows hugging tae rubbing his back to calm tae ....

After some time tae had stopped sobbing just the sound of sniffs were heard in their room...kook slowly made his way to their bed and settled on it taking tae on his lap...tae burried his face in kook's neck closing his eyes feeling tired....kook heard the soft snoring making his smile softly as he saw tae sleeping on his shoulder....

He caressed tae's cheeks which had dried tears...his eyes filled with tears and anger....he won't let that girl live in peace....she made his love cry....he will make sure she regret doing that....

Kook took out his phone from his pocket carefully and called Joon....he told everything to his brother and got lots of scoldings for being such a fool.....than he asked Joon to file a case against laana including the claws of many things like robbery, betrayal, molestation (she kinda did that with kook) and many more....he said to join to make sure she live her whole life in jail.....and get lots of torture....

He disconnected the call and looked at tae who was still on his lap sleeping peacefully....kook just stared at his face promising himself to never let his love cry again....he pecked tae's forehead and lips lovingly and laid him down covering him with duvets....

He than thought to do something to make other happy and smiled when he got the idea....


Tae blinked his eyes as he sat up groaning Because his head was hurt cause of so much crying....he looked around finding kook...his eyes went on the wall clock which was showing it was already 6 in the evening....he wanted to stand from the bed but stopped as he heard kook voice....

"Wait love"kook spoke rushing from their balcony....

He sat beside tae on the bed and cupped his face...."are you ok now..."kook asked softly...tae nodded his head..

"Great...I have a surprise for you...but first do you want to wash your face"kook asked and after thinking tae nodded....

Kook helped tae to get off the bed and he went to bathroom to wash his face....when tae came back kook lead him to their balcony and covered his eyes....they entered inside and kook slowly removed his hands making the view clear infront of tae.....

Tae looked at the preparations kook had did the balcony was decorated with fairy lights ...there were a mattress placed in a corner with lots of pillows and blankets.....

there were a mattress placed in a corner with lots of pillows and blankets

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The sun wasn't set yet so there were some natural lights too...tae was amazed and was feeling so happy knowing kook did all this for him....he looked at kook who sat on his knees holding his ears....

"I am really sorry love....I promise I will always notice what is happening around me and will never let anything to even make a small misunderstanding between us....I won't let anyone make us apart....I will make sure you never get me or anyone in this world"kook spoke his eyes were teary....his every word was filled with sincerity and they were coming directly from his heart.... tae's eyes became glossy too as he kneeled down 5oo and hugged kook.....

"It's ok...but remember never let anyone this close to you....or else I won't talk to you"tae mumbled never kook's chest....

"I won't I promise love"kook spoke pulling tae more close to himself....they both sat on the mattress and enjoyed the sunset infront of them....

Kook looked at tae whose face was shining as the sky was dark and the lights reflection was coming on tae's face....tae sensed that kook is looking at him so he also looked back....

Kook smiled softly at tae who smiled showing his boxy smile....tae leaned and connected their lips ....kook smiled when tae started to move his lips on kook's....kook let other take the lead letting tae enter his tongue in kook's mouth feeling every corner of his husband's mouth....

Kook slowly laid tae on the mattress as he hovered over him now taking the lead and sucking on his lips....kook trailed his lips from tae's lips to his jaw line going to other's neck ....he was about to bite and suck there but the loud banging on their door made him groan...

"There is someone outside"tae spoke ....

"I know let them be"kook spoke burring his face in tae's neck giving wet kisses there....

"Kookie....get up.."tae spoke pushing other but kook didn't when moved an inch....

"YAAH YOU HORNY BUNNY....OPEN THE DOOR....I WANT TO TALK TO TAE"jimin's voice came from outside making kook to groan.....

"Please kookie"tae spoke showing his puppy eyes...kook sighed and got up letting tae go....

"I hate them..why they have to ruin my moments...."kook mumbled to himself with a pout.....


To be continue.....

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss.....


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