Shanks - 3

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It was here on the figurehead of the Red Force that Shanks stood, watching over the sea with a bottle of rum in hand.

To everyone, except his crew and a few close friends, the world thought he was a drunk Yonko with no territory of his own. In the papers, he remained an allusive figure known for wandering places at his leisure.

The fact of the matter is, he has a territory, he wasn't a drunk, and he always trusted his gut.

Right now, his gut was telling him that something big was coming. Not for the world, no, for his crew. For him. It is a well-kept secret among his crew, his intuition is always 90% right. The remaining 10% were for the times when his predictions were just off by an island or a couple of days' time. Still, 90% is a large number considering all the Red-Haired Pirates had survived.

Nevertheless, there was something coming, and it was coming soon. So here he sat on his boat in the middle of his territory in the new world and drank himself into a stupor.

Later on, Benn would find him sprawled out atop the figurehead snoring with an empty bottle of rum barely being held onto.

When Shanks woke up in his bed, he knew it was Benn that had put him back, no one else smells that clean on his ship. But while he laid back the thoughts, he had of last night rushed back into his head.

His gut feeling. The one that made him jumpy. He has many feelings you see; the "big fight or war" one, the "Whitebeard's outta booze" one, and his favorite the "something fun and entertaining is coming" one. The last one led him to Luffy.

The feeling he had last night was different, it was fun mixed with the vague feeling of impending doom. Now, that might sound ridiculous, but Shanks is telling the truth here. The death and destruction instincts were activated but so were the fun-loving ones.

There was no doubt why Shanks decided to drown himself in booze. Fun and death being mixed in his future did not bode well for him. All he could do was prepare the crew for a possible fight and stock up the ship. Some extra weapons laying around won't hurt, and neither will extra booze.

Chapter Management

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