Post Proposal + Weekly Idol

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*Jiyoon's P.O.V*

"Ji... wake up love," I heard Eunwoo say in my ear.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my handsome man hovering over me.

When I looked him in the eyes, he got a big bright smile on his face.

"Good morning beautiful," he said lowering himself and giving me a kiss.

"Morning Woo... I have to go on Weekly Idol today," I said looking up at him.

"I know love, I made you some breakfast before you left," he replied making me smile at him.

I got up as he left the room to take a shower. I walked out of the room and saw some pancakes on the table.

I walked over and saw a note next to the plate.

Good Morning My Love,

I wanted to make you an American-style breakfast for you because I knew you have a busy schedule. Make sure you eat well and take care of yourself throughout the day. I love you so much.

I smiled and started to eat my pancakes, as I was eating Eunwoo sat down next to me in only sweatpants as a towel was around his neck, and he had water dripping down his neck and abs.

I choked on my food and took a sip of the iced coffee he made me.

"Stop staring and eat your breakfast. You can see this later tonight if you want," he said winking.

I rolled my eyes and smacked him in the arms

*Time Skip*

I was currently getting ready as I was on the set of Weekly Idol. I was getting my hair done, scrolling through Instagram.

I noticed all the hate comments on my post and death threats in my DMs. All saying things along the line of how I don't deserve Eunwoo, and that I was using him for fame and money.

On Eunwoo's fans were calling me ugly and saying how I needed to lose weight, get talent first, and plastic surgery.

I expected the hate, but I never thought it would be this intense.

"Are you ok Ji?" my hairstylist asked.

"Oh um, I guess yeah..." I said looking at my phone.

"I thought you would be happier since you had just gotten engaged to THE Cha Eunwoo," she said.

"Don't get me wrong, I love him and I'm so happy to be engaged... I just didn't prepare myself for the amount of hate and death threats I would have gotten," I responded

"I understand that. But you should have known since of who he is," she replied.

I sighed and turned off my phone.

Once she was finished I looked in the mirror

Once she was finished I looked in the mirror

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