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It was 1:00am and you guys had to film tomorrow, knowing you had to wake up in 5 hours concerned you, making you overthink.

What if I have to back out of filming because I'm too tired?

Will they hate me if I say I'm too tired to film?

Am I gonna be annoying because I'll be tired?

After 4 hours of trying to sleep you still couldn't. You looked over to the left at your nightstand, right where your phone was. You turned it on so the lockscreen popped up.

1:23 AM
God still!? It feels like it's been 2 hours already, I know I'm going to hate myself in the morning regardless, but this time I'll be depressed.

Another 30 minutes went by, then another, and now it's not long til 3:00am. But, you're still awake. No way I'm falling asleep alone! You got up from bed without hesitation, and made your way over to Matt's room. Who cares about the hardwood creaking? Chris and Nick are heavy sleepers, and Matt is normally awake at this time.

As you slowly peek your head in the doorframe, you softly whispered, "Uhm, morning.. Matt? Matt, I can't sleep and I know damn well I'm not falling asleep without someone! I'm not tired and I'm overthinking everything!"
How should I word this? It's gonna sound weird in every way. I don't wanna sound like a creep! Just say something, you're making this awkward with him just staring at you! I'm gonna regret whatever I say.

"Can I sleep with you?"

Oh you're fucking kidding me. Anything Y/N, I could've said ANYTHING!!

Matt pats the side of the bed signaling me to come over. Damn, he accepted that? I would've killed that bitch. I smiled and walked in his dungeon while lifting the covers over myself, still cold as hell, but it'll do for now.

After about an hour of trying to sleep I finally succeed! For like 20 minutes... I wake up to an alarm, it's literally 3:00am?! Why the fuck does he have an alarm for three in the morning!? What does he need to do, feed his ceiling?

I look over to him and find Matt standing up hovering over me with something in his hand, his phone? Is he sleepwalking...? He doesn't usually sleepwalk though.

I try and get a clearer look, a knife? Probably not, my love wouldn't do that🥰

Him staring at me is starting to get me anxious. Great, now I won't be able to sleep again! Thanks to Matt. After about 1-2 minutes he finally budges. But it wasn't the movement I was expecting.

After I shut my eyes they don't open, I don't even breathe because turns out he stabbed me in my back, of course he even had the audacity to play Kesha while the murder, but honey, do I blame him? Of course not!! I can be dancing in hell to that song now😘😘

This is probably one of my most romantic ones I have written so far🥰🥰 Hope you like it😘❤️

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