
When Anthony found out:

"Anthony" Y/n spoke up as she entered his study.

Anthony looked up from the papers on his hands and smiled at her "Hello, my love"

"I need to speak to you" She played with her hands nervously

"I am all ears" He put all his attention on her "What is it?" He smiled comfortingly

"Anthony" Y/n stayed in front of the desk, looking at him seriously, Anthony's smile faded at her serious face.

He stood up and rounded the desk to get closer to her, he grabbed her hands "Is everything okay?"

"Anthony, I am with child"

He stared at her shocked, unable to form a single sentence "You are with child?" Y/n nodded smiling happily

Anthony turned around, and covered his face. Y/n stared at him confused until she heard a sniffle coming from him, she grinned teasingly "Are you crying?"

He turned around fast "What? who is crying? It is certainly not me" he scoffed trying to play it off

"You are with child, our child. Y/n, we are going to be parents, to our very own little Bridgerton, oh my God"

"You are with child" He laughed happily and hugged her tightly, before he spun her around making her laugh. "I love you, I love you, I love you, God I love you"

He stopped spinning her and pulled her into a kiss "Thank you, thank you for making me the happiest man alive, I love you" He laid his forehead on top of hers, caressing her cheeks lovingly "We are going to be parents!"


Month 2:

"Anthony, will you stop it!" Y/n exclaimed as she walked down the stairs "Nothing is going to happen to me, your family is going to be there"

"I still think it is not safe, everyone is going to be in the park, someone could bump into you and make you fall" Anthony argued with his wife "No, I do not think you should go"

"Your family will be there, you will be there" Y/n said "Besides, everyone knows we are expecting thanks to Lady Whistledown, the ton will be careful not to bump into me"

"The ton could not care less, maybe we should stay home, I mean, we could spend the day in bed, I could bring you your favorite fruits and maybe a book, or we could spend our time doing something more fun" Anthony suggested

"No, we are going to spend the day with your family as we planned, and that is final, now let us go, we should not let them wait for long in the park" Y/n walked out towards the carriage

"But, love-"

"It is final, Anthony, now get inside"

"Alright" Anthony grumbled as he stepped into the carriage


Month 4: ( a few minutes after the epilogue)

"Perhaps you should not play Pall Mall"


"No, listen to me, you can get tired very easily while hitting the ball, it is not good for the baby" Anthony tried to defend himself, Y/n looked at him unamused

"But it is fine to do other strenuous activities?" Y/n huffed, the rest of the siblings watched amused at the argument that was sure to start

"Give her a break, brother, she does not need you breathing down her neck with every little thing she does" Benedict said

Tales of a Heart ▪︎ Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now