"You coming back?" I ask which he ignores.

"Bitch." I say under my breath.

I got a real bad wave of nausea all of a sudden. I think I'm dying.

I sit up, putting my legs off the bed just in case I gotta sprint to the bathroom but it fades away.

Soul comes back in with his phone and charger making me smile a lil. He gets in bed next to me, plugging his phone up. He lays down facing away.

I go on Google and do a quick search of my latest symptoms.

"Soul-" I cover my mouth and tear up.

"I-I got meningitis." I frown reading about it.


"Why the fuck you think you got meningitis?" He turns around and looks at me stupid.

"I been having migraines for a couple days now and I got sum random nausea just now... guess what the symptoms for meningitis is?"

He blinks a couple times before shaking his head and turning back around.

"You not sick, you pregnant, dumbass." He mumbles.

"Already? Don't it take a couple weeks for the sperm to reach the egg n fertilize it?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Sometimes I forget you didn't get education past the 5th grade." He sighs.

"You didn't get to high school either soooo..." I chuckle.

"But anyways, you know I'm like really really really sorry right?" I apologize, putting my feet back on the bed.

"Mhm." He scrolls on his phone.

"Soulllllllll." I pout, beginning to cry.

"Soulllllaaaa I'm sorry I don't know what else to say or do like?" I look at him.

"Nothing. You've done enough." He says without even turning in my direction.

"Why are you acting like this!?" I snap.

"The fuck you think? Dumb ass question." He scoffs.

I jump off the bed and run into my bathroom. He jumps up, dropping his phone and runs to catch me.

He slips as I slam and lock the door before he can tackle me.

"SPIRIT!" He screams, pounding on the door and twisting the nob.

I look through the machine cabinet and take as many fucking painkillers, antibiotics, antidepressants, allergy, and anxiety pills I can find.

Nun of these are harmful by themselves but most of this is not meant to be mixed or taken in such a high dosage.

My plan is to kill myself to make him feel guilty and regret treating me this way.

I get a good 15 various pills down with sink water before Soul breaks the door down. He slaps the pills out my hand, making them fly everywhere, and restrains my arms.

"SOUL LET ME GO!" I scream, kicking, biting, and scratching.

"Crazy bitch." He uses his leg to stop mine from kicking but I tip us over.

"Spit it up." He puts his arm over my neck.

"Throw that shit up Spirit!" He yells in my ear.

"I'm not throwing shit up." I cough.

He sticks his hands in my throat forcibly. I try to bite him as he triggers my gag reflex. I try and hold back but he does it so aggressively I throw up on his arm, his hand, the floor, and my hair.

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