Part 6:Another chance...or not

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"I promise I won't hurt you..." a seductive yet unnerving whisper tickled and heated Jerry's ear. It said barely any words, but it would always make Jerry shiver. In all those times, Butch enjoyed himself to a few touches here and there.

"You just cheated on me...again," Jerry would mutter out. His trembling, cold breath would stop and hold itself a few times. He grasped on Butch's arm, but very little energy was left in his numb and tired body.

He could feel how his blue overalls was being unbuttoned from one shoulder, which was also getting uncovered from the white t-shirt under the overalls.

But Jerry was tired.

He was tired of this.

Jerry let out a whimper, and some tears quickly rolled from his cheek to his shirt, making little wet streams. Butched growled and gripped Jerry's waist, pushing it against a wall. Jerry yelped. His neck, arms, and lips were all bleeding from some very aggressive bites. Butch was angry that Jerry had confronted him about cheating again. He wanted to feel pleasure, and Jerry was his key to it.

Butch's phone buzzed, Toodle's picture and her name with hearts next to it popping up on the screen. Jerry got a glimpse of it, making him tremble more. His lips hurt... his neck hurt... his waist, arms, and stomach hurt... his back hurt... his head hurt... but so did his heart....

Jerry gasped, tears wetting his face and falling down like rivers. He breathed heavily with a shaky breath. Jerry's hands trembled a little, as he heard a low voice next to him.

"Jerry? Are you ok?" Tom asked, his attention moving from the door to Jerry after hearing that loud gasp. Jerry stared at Tom for a moment. He wanted to run, to hide. He knew this wasn't Butch, but Tom looked so much like him! Jerry, shakingly, nodded and looked away. He wiped his tears and pushed his hair from his face. Jerry took a few deep breaths and tightly held a pillow against his chest.

"It hasn't stopped raining?" Jerry whispered, hearing the thumping of the rain outside. He lifted the corners of one blanket and crawled out. "Oh yes, the sun is shining outside. Don't go out, you might get a sunburn," Tom replied with a sarcastic tone.

Jerry scrunched his nose and squinted his eyes at Tom. "A little silence could've worked fine, I got my answer, thanks." Jerry rolled his eyes and his voice was that of a mocking enthusiasm.

Tom scoffed. "What were you dreaming of anyway. You've got strong grip for a short pip-squeak..." Tom mumbled, rubbing his arm. It had a small bruise.

Jerry stood up from the floor and raised a brow, glancing down at Tom's arm. He let out a tiny smirk of amusement. "Oh so what, the big, bad cat couldn't handle a small 'pip-squeak?' You do realize I was sleeping," Jerry taunted. He heard Tom grumble behind him and mutter words under his breath, but Jerry could care less of what Tom said.

Jerry looked around a bit. For him, libraries had always been quiet and a bit eerie at times, but with the lights off and pouring rain, it just felt awfully weird...and then Jerry set his sight on the door. That also seemed weird.

"Hey Tom, did the door always look like that?"

Tom lifted his head and stood beside Tom. "Yeah...?" he mumbled. 3 seconds of staring and silence quickly went by before Tom narrowed his eyes at the door. "No," he said.

"Before you fell asleep, I heard the door raddle a bit. Then I tried to open it and it was locked."

Jerry's eyes widened and he shot a scolding glare at Tom. "And your ok with that?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Jerry began to whisper shout.

Tom put up his hands to protest. "Hey, I didn't think it bothered you that much. Besides, by the looks of it, you're pretty good at picking in locks."

Jerry crossed his arms. He felt like banging his head in the wall...or better yet, bang Tom's head. He was in disbelief, the five stages of grief passing over him in a matter of 5 seconds. "Something's wrong with that door," Jerry whispered.

They both headed towards it, bent down to the level of the handles, and stared at it. Tom's eyes widened. "I know what it is!"

Jerry was startled, his shoulders tensing and his stomach dropping. "What?! What is it?!"

"It's...locked!" Tom said before bursting into laughter and a mischievous glint came over his eyes. Jerry pouted angrily and kicked Tom. "That's not funny, I know that!" Jerry yelled. Tom shook his head. "Why does it matter? It was probably that dickhead, Butch. He must've locked us in here."

Jerry was about to kick Tom again, however, he held back. "No, dumbass, don't you get it-?" Jerry was starting to say until he heard Tom's gasp. " can cuss?!" Tom said with shock.

Now Jerry didn't hold back to kick Tom again. "Will you quit playing?" he scolded Tom. Tom laughed again, slapping Jerry's back and shaking his shoulders. Jerry grabbed Tom's hands. "I'm serious!"

"Man, alright...!" Tom said, snickering a little. "Ok ok...what is it?" he asked after laughing. "When we came in, the lock of the door was in this side. And now it's just a keyhole," Jerry said with urgency.

Tom's smile was wiped off his face. He looked at the door once more. He could feel how the blood drained from his face. "What the hell..." he muttered.

Now, without joking and with a different meaning then before, Tom grabbed Jerry's arms and whispered, "It's locked!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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