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We were back at Deepdean. It has been a month since I last saw Alexander. We have been sending letters ever since. I was expecting one by yesterday but i didnt get it. Something must've been delayed.

"Back to old Deepdean again! Back to my old, miserable life again!" complained Lavinia "I really hope there will be a murder—" "Daisy!" Me and Beanie said at the same time. It was normal for Daisy to hope something like this, and I know that. But it's just simply not nice to wish for a murder to happen! But although I do like detecting and solving murder mysteries lots.

"The prefects are actually nice!" said Kitty "No they are not! They are miserable. More miserable than Lavinia, I suppose" said Daisy "Nobody's more miserable than Lavinia!" said Beanie. And I do admit, really, nobody IS more miserable than Lavinia. Thought she can be — I was about to write nice. She can be fair. "Ugh, guess what happened to me!" said Kitty "What?" said Lavinia "My boyfriend, Hugo. Remember him? He — he — he jilted me! I'm absolutely distraught." "I'm so sorry, Kitty!" Cried Beanie. And I really was sorry for her. The girl wouldn't stop talking about him last term.

We are fifth formers now — it's awful but pretty amazing how we are growing up so fast — I remember when I first joined Deepdean, I was locked in by Daisy. It's a fairly long story — so I won't be able to explain it here properly, as I am still trying to finish writing up my other case, at the Rue Theatre. That case was truly unexpected — when me and Daisy realised who the murderer is, we were truly surprised. The case wouldn't leave my head for a week — which is a lot.

I was about to finish writing up the case when Daisy came in. "I was wrong about Amina this whole time, Hazel." she told me. "What do you mean? Are you telling me.." "Shes annoyingly sweet and awfully pretty. I could admire her for hours—" and then Daisy realised what she said. "— I mean — sorry, I meant that I could TALK to her for hours." "Mhm." I said, in a sarcastic tone. I usually am never sarcastic, so it's kind of — rare? For me to say stuff in a sarcastic tone. "I can't wait for Christmas." Said Daisy "Daisy, what do you mean? We are barely half way through September—" "Hazel, a letter for you. By.. Alexandria?" said Kitty, coming up to me with a letter. "You better not be replacing me with someone else, Watson!" said Daisy, winking at me. I could tell the wink meant she was joking, and that she knew who it actually was. "It's Alexander." I told the both of them. "I'll read it later on." "No, please read it now!" whined Kitty "Kitty, stop being so obsessive. You know Hazel and Alexander are togeth—" I shot a glare at Daisy. Shut up, the glare meant. Daisy understood. I knew she would.

We were supposed to be sleeping by now, but instead, I'm reading Alexander's letter.

I'm in my bed, under my covers with a torchlight while reading his letter.

Dear Hazel,

I agree with you a hundred times. We should definitely go to a hotel all together again. It feels like I only saw you yesterday. Time passes when you're having fun. I hope we can meet at.. Christmas time, maybe? I know it has been only a month since I last saw you, but I'm really looking forward to seeing you again. Write back and tell me if you agree.

Give my love to you — just you,

Alex x

'Give my love to you — just you' lifted me up like a kite. Perhaps being in a relationship isn't so bad after all?

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