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We knocked on their door, but the answer we got was unexpected.

"Hello? How can I... help?" said Amina. "We know the necklace is with yo—" "Beanie means, she has just lost her necklace that was important to her and she would like to ask if you know anything about it. It looks like..." said Kitty, stopping Beanie from lunging forward at Amina. Amina took a step back. I looked at my casebook and said "It has blue and white beads. It has a pearl with the letter B on it."

Beanie glared at Amina. Amina said "I have seen it before.. but that was when I saw Beanie holding it when I just arrived. She held it tightly, and I didn't know why."
"We know you set up a prank—" Beanie tried to say. But Kitty stopped her once again. "She means, did you guys set up a prank to steal her necklace?" said Kitty. "No. Why would I steal her necklace? I prefer bracelets." Replied Amina.

"Well then!" Said Daisy. "Well then, er, we will be going back. Thank you for nothing!" and we walked back. I don't know if Daisy is regularly this rude to people she dosent like. Only I ought to know by now. "Daisy, that was rude!" I said. "She didn't help with anything. What am I supposed to say?" said Daisy. Honestly, I'm not even surprised at this point. What an utterly Daisy-ish thing to say.

We searched in our dorm and we looked in one of Beanies drawers. I know she said she looked, but we still ought to check. "There it is! Beanie, you absolute chump!" shouted Daisy. It was in Beanie's drawer after all. "All this for absolutely nothing!" said Daisy. When there's something going on, Daisy dosent have time for jokes or pranks. And even if this isn't a joke, nor a prank, it would still make her mad. "What? Where? Ohh.. oh." said Beanie. "I thought we would've had an actual case, Beanie!" said Daisy.

While Daisy and Beanie were fighting about it being an actual case, I sneaked into my room and started writing a letter back to Alexander as I was supposed to ages ago.

Dear Alexander,

Hong Kong was spiffing, like you say. Except for the fact we had to solve a murder once again. Id love to go with you and George, too! I bet it would be enormous fun. Except I don't think Father would allow boys to come over. He dosent even know that I am still in contact with you. Recently, Beanie (I think I've told you about her? The girl in my dorm?") lost her necklace. We thought this would've been another case but it wasn't. It was in her drawer. We are assuming that she just didn't look properly. Me and Daisy are perfectly fine. How are you, and George?

Love to George - and you,

The 'and you' part felt strangely romantic. But I don't think—

"Hazel! What are you doing?" said Daisy "I'm sending a letter back to Alexander." I replied. "I was supposed to earlier, but since we got caught up with Beanie losing her necklace — I guess it makes sense." 

"By the way, Hazel, we are being invited by Uncle Felix and Aunt Lucy to go to a hotel in the summer. We are thinking to—" "Is George and Alexander gonna come?" I said, interrupting Daisy. I knew, it was very un-Hazel-ish of me to interrupt someone. "I was just getting to that part." Said Daisy, narrowing her eyes at me. "But, yes, we will be inviting them.". Suddenly I felt a glow. "Did you already write to him?" asked Daisy "Yes — but — I'll just fit it at the end of the letter;

Dear Alexander,

Hong Kong was spiffing, like you say. Except for the fact we had to solve a murder once again. Id love to go with you and George, too! I bet it would be enormous fun. Except I don't think Father would allow boys to come over. He dosent even know that I am still in contact with you. Recently, Beanie (I think I've told you about her? The girl in my dorm?") lost her necklace. We thought this would've been another case but it wasn't. It was in her drawer. We are assuming that she just didn't look properly. Me and Daisy are perfectly fine. How are you, and George?

Love to George - and you,


And then I wrote at the back of the letter;

The new person in the other dorm just keeps setting up pranks! It's awful. (said by my friends)


Me and Alexander started using this 'term of writing' since we started sending letters to each other.

"And — done."

A week later, I got a letter

Dear Hazel,

Me and George are OK, too. We would love to come and meet you and Daisy along with Uncle Felix and Aunt Lucy. It sounds like enormous fun. Only thing I hope is that there will be no murder, even thought it would feel awfully weird if there wasn't one.

See you and Daisy soon,

And on the back of the letter was;

Georgina loves hotels. So do I Alexandria x

I smiled at the 'x'. Daisy saw my face go scarlet. "Oh, Hazel, I thought you got over him!" "I did! Me and him are just friends.". Daisy rolled her eyes. "Sure, you did." she whispered in a sarcastic tone.

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