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"Well what do we do now?" Said Kitty. Clearly not thinking. "Well we obviously need to find her!" I said. "How did she get lost in the first place when you, Lavinia, George and Kitty were with her?" Hazel asked. "Great question, Watson! Before you guys answer, Hazel, take your case-book out of your bag and start writing immediately!". I sat next to Hazel while she took her case-book out. The title was; BEANIE MISSING. "So basically," started Lavinia, "we were all with Beanie, as you already know, and she was crying over a turtle. We had a so-called fight when as soon as George went over to Hazel and Alexander, Kitty suggested that we'd play Hide n Seek so we did. And when George came back from talking to Hazel and Alexander was when we were searching for Beanie because we really could find her anywhere. We told George and he started looking with us but

there was no hope. We couldn't find Beanie and we went to all of the places where we would think Beanie would hide and she wasn't there. So we all stated to get worried and here we are now telling you." said Lavinia, ending her sentence looking downcast. And next to me I looked at Hazel writing faster than the speed of light. "What if she is still hiding?" said Amina, "What a stupid thing to say Amina! After we told you that we searched everywhere for Beanie! What, do you think that we searched for a few seconds then ran up to Daisy and Hazel to tell you that we couldn't find her because we haven't searched well?" said Lavinia on the spot while her arm around Kitty, who's sobbing. I glared at Lavinia and she immediately looked back at her feet. I turned back to Amina and said "It could be possible," I said, "but there is also a chance that she has been kidnapped. To make sure she isn't we have to look again. Not only in the beach, but also our, the parking lot, the restaurants ,maybe, the—" I said continuing, but sadly I had been interrupted but a very rude Alexander . "Wait, what's that abandoned - looking cabin over there at the very end?". I was surprised he even noticed that, really.

"Ooh, I have an idea!" Said George. "We have to split up. Lavinia, you look around the parking lot. Amina and Kitty, you look around the nearby restaurant. And me, Alexander, Daisy and Hazel will look around the abandoned - looking cabin like Alexander said" continued George. "Smart!" Hazel said, not looking up from her case-book and still taking notes. Then me, Alexander and Hazel stood up at the same time and we all nodded and went to where we are supposed to be.

When we arrived at the cabin we decided to split up again. There was a kitchen and a living room downstairs and two rooms upstairs. "Me and George will take downstairs and you and Hazel will go upstairs, confirmed?" I said, on the spot. Alexander nodded and they head upstairs.

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