"I know, I'm sorry," Clint replied hanging his head. "I don't really know what I was thinking. I will do my best to make sure it never happens again. I talked to Tash and Phil so they both know what happened in Cambodia and I'll make sure to get a proper written report in."

"Don't rush it," Nick ordered. "I know Hill asked for it by the end of the week but I don't want you to push yourself back into that place again. I won't blame you if you wait until Natasha's better until you do it. Mind you it's just this once."

"Thanks Nick," Clint smiled.

"Natasha's mission report can wait a while as well," Nick told him. "The Council really doesn't need to see that. If they catch a whiff of the face that the Red Room got her again they will put out a kill order no matter what I say."

"I'll let her know," Clint nodded.

"I'll make sure to edit the Councils copies," Phil smirked. "I'll make sure you get the full version after the Council has seen the edited version, Nick. Plus you can have my report on my teams last mission then too."

"Good idea Phil," Nick nodded.

Natasha suddenly shifted on the bed. "Stop him, somebody." She mumbled. She was quiet for a short time before she screamed.

"Clint?" Nick asked when he just sat there watching her.

"You've gotta let her finish it out," Clint told him. "If you don't you might end up with her attacking you."

"No, don't do it. She doesn't deserve it," Natasha cried out. Clint watched helplessly as she began to thrash on the bed. He didn't want to make her go through it all but he couldn't risk waking her. Finally she screamed again before she stopped thrashing and curled into a ball with her shoulders shaking, her head still pillowed on Clint's lap.

"Tasha?" Clint asked. "Tasha, you're ok."

There was no reply for a while then, "Clint?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

"Yes, it's me Tasha," Clint told her reaching out a hand to her shoulder. She grabbed his hand before it reached her shoulder holding it with her own. "What was it, Tasha?"

"Red Room, You," She whispered. She didn't know or really care if there was anyone else in the room at that point.

"I'm here," Clint whispered. "I'm not leaving." He carefully pulled her into his lap so he could put his arms around her. Her arms came around him in reply. "Независимо от того, что я всегда буду любить тебя мой паук." (No matter what, I will always love you my spider.) Clint assured her. "I'm not going to let the Red Room take you away from me."

"Clint, I..." Natasha whispered. "Я тоже тебя люблю." (I love you too.)

Nick and Phil exchanged a loaded glance as they heard Clint's words. They didn't know what he said in Russian but they had an idea. Phil nodded slowly to Nick telling him to tell them what they had found out about the so called homeless man. Nick decided to wait a little longer. Natasha's shoulders slowly stopped shaking and she pulled away from Clint slightly before acknowledging the other two men in the room. She didn't bother to pull right away from Clint, needing the comfort of his body heat to remind her that it was just a dream. Clint pulled her back towards him so she was sitting on his lap with her back to his chest. She realised that Nick wanted to talk to her before he had to leave again.

"Natasha, that man outside the lobby did you recognise him at all?" Nick asked softly.

"No, but I have a feeling that you think I should know him." She answered.

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