Chapter Nine

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February 5 - 2000 hours - Briefing room - Stark Tower

"In short someone on this server called the Red Room hacked SHIELD and planted a tracker on the bus. I only found it earlier this afternoon when Fitz and I were checking the firewalls. It seems to have been put there soon after we left the Helicarrier with Agent Romanoff." Skye told them.

"Thank you, Agent you are dismissed." Fury shooed her out of the room. "So Natasha what's your take on what the Red Room is planning?" He asked once the door closed behind Skye.

"They weren't really trying to hide the evidence when they hacked in. That means they are either confident or they already have someone watching me closely. Either way it means either that Ivan has realised that I stole some of the serum or that I'm not dead yet when technically I should be." Natasha paused, "Either way it means Ivan will be sending someone to kill me."

"Any idea who it could be?" Fury asked.

"Probably Yelena Belova although he might send some of the other girls first," Natasha commented. "She'll be the Black Widow if she manages to kill me. That's the way it works in the Room. If it's not Belova and he's really serious about killing me and he will send the Winter Soldier."

"You're sure about that?" Fury asked.

"Not really," Natasha replied. "He might send the other girls after me to see if I would kill them like he would want me to. It would be a test to see whether or not I could be turned back to working for him. If I didn't kill them then he would send the best recruits after me in the hope that they would kill me. And if they failed then he would send the only person at the Red Room who I could never win against. The Winter Soldier." She paused. "If he doesn't want me dead he will want me back. So again he would probably send the Winter Soldier. Apart from Clint he's the only person I know that could take me down in hand to hand combat."

"So tell us what you can about this Winter Soldier," Fury asked.

"There's not much I can tell you," Natasha frowned. "Last time I physically saw him was before the last brainwashing I went through at the room. I know he trained me for a time, his left arm was metal and he had dark hair. He still trains the girls at the Room, they were talking about him once as they walked past the room where I was chained up."

"Did he have a name?" Coulson asked.

"Not that I know of, all I can remember having to call him was Sir, and Ivan called him Winter." Natasha muttered. "I don't even know if these are real memories or not."

Fury nodded, "Let us know if you find or remember anything else."

"Of course, Sir," Natasha nodded.

"Excuse me," Jarvis interrupted. "Ms Romanoff, there is a young girl in the lobby wanting to see you. She said she has something for you."

"Security footage please Jarvis," Natasha requested wondering who the girl could be. The footage popped up on screen, a young blonde girl was half facing away from the camera. She couldn't be more than about 6 or 7 years old. Nobody noticed how pale Natasha had gone when she saw the girl. She immediately hid her feelings behind her usual blank facade. Clint was the first to turn to her.

"Tasha, who is it?" He asked immediately recognising that she knew the girl.

"It can't be," Natasha whispered just as the girl turned towards the camera. "No, no, no."

"Tash, who is it?" Clint asked.

Natasha buried her face in her hands, "It's Lida, the girl I tried to get out."

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