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at the ripe age of 12, billie started her self harm habit. she still remembers the day dani had walked in on her cutting through the skin of her thighs.

she quickly fell to her knees to drop the sharp object in billies hand that was creating those bloody wounds.

'billie, no, dont dont. c'mere' younger dani says immediately grabbing billie into her hold 'i cant- i cant- it hurts dani- please dont tell mom' younger billie says as she sobs continuously on dani's shoulder.

'im right here, im not going anywhere'

that same day, would have been the last week she seen dani - when she needed dani the most.

that is where now, billie ends her flashback. as she hopelessly sits in front of her bathroom door. feeling the sting.

here on dani's end, she still wonders how billie has been with a habit like that.

she sits on her balcony, doing her usual, smoking a fat blunt.

she hesitates on wether throwing it out, soon she does and quickly changing into a long sleeve, then decides to go into billies room finding no one in there.

everyone seemed to be home, jadyn had been over and mentioned that everyone was home
but their moms, since the two decided to go shopping together at the near by mall.

"billie" the tall girl asks out, knocking at billies bathroom door.

she hears shuffling on the other side of the door.
"hi, sorry. i was using the bathroom" billie says with a stuffed red nose. it was obvious she had been crying. "are you okay?" dani asks

"yes im okay. im okay- im getting a bit sick thats all" blue eyes says nervously rushing through her words. "you can talk to me you know?" dani tells billie, making billie look down. "i- i know thank you. uhh- whats up?" billie asks, seeing a smirky look slowly form on dani's face, and before she knows it, billie is up in the air carried with one arm on  dani's shoulder

billies ass is all in her face, a view she doesn't mind at all

"what are you doing-" billie struggles to say, from squirming, kicking, and laughing, trying to get out dani's hold "you beautiful girl, and me are going on a drive." dani says slowly placing billie on her bed as she hovers over the small girl, who seems to have gotten nervous all of a sudden.

billie hums and smiles.

her cheeks turn hot as she sees her bestfriend stand over her and stare all over her, admiring her features

it stays like that for a couple of seconds, eyes flickering up and down to lip, and eyes. till

"ill meet you down stairs in my car in 5 get comfortable." before anything went further, dani speaks and pulls billie back up. the girl soon disappears from billies room crawling into her own.

'imagine if we had kissed... too bad she probably doesn't like me, nor me her.' billie mindlessly thinks, and lets out a deep sigh seeing dani no longer in her room.


"where are we going?" billie asks as she stares out the window,

she feels a veiny long hand crawl up her bare thigh. "you will see trust me its worth it. -  is this okay?" the tall girl says facing the road, slowly looking back at billie to question her action.

it made billie feel certain things as soon as she felt her bestfriends hand grab her thigh, she started feeling her panties getting damp. its never happened to her before. feeling butterflies flutter in her stomach.

erotic fantasies- b.e fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora