06. Telling BTS

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*Author pov*

Tonight, you felt more nervous about telling the boys than you did telling Jungkook about your pregnancy. they teased that you and Jungkook would never get pregnant. The next generation of BTS. That thought brought a smile to your face.

Jk: "You are all smiles tonight." (Jk cooed, leaning
over your shoulder.)

Yn: "Just thinking about the baby."

Jk: "I am always thinking about baby." (Jk reaches around your waist, his palms finding your
aproned belly)

Yn: "Do you think they will know as soon as they see me?" (You concern.)

Jk: "I don't think so. You just cannot put your hands on your belly, or until we tell them."
(You scoffed )

Yn: "Coming from you who is always touching my belly." (You could feel his smile.)

Jk: "What can I say? I am biased with your belly. Your belly is carrying my baby"

(You move your hands to be on top of his)

Yn: "They will be happy for us, do you think?"

Jk: "Of course they will be! Stop worrying.
Worrying is bad for my baby." (Jungkook scowled.)

Yn: "I am not worrying..I am..feeling unsure."

Jk: "That's the same thing Y/N. Calm down"


*BTS arrived*

Yn: "Hello boys!"
(You greet. Tae hugs you first, a little too tight.)

Jk: "Get your own wife. Hey hey." (Jk patrolled.)

Tae: "I'll see you in ten minutes, don't let Jungkook hear."
(You teased. ,V winked.)

*Jungkook tugs your hand, getting you away from Tae.*


*Jungkook pov*

When the boys got here, the pizza had just finished. As we were eating we talked about upcoming shows, interviews, and trips. After everyone was done eating,

Yn: "Time for cake." (As she disappeared into the kitchen, my palms started to sweat.)

*When she returned, the cake was in a white box so no one could see it. She placed the box in front of the boys. They all looked confused until*

Yn: "Open it."
* When they opened the box they were all confused, except Jin who looked at us with a look full of joy.*

Jin: "Oh my gosh, you guys are having a baby?" (He shrieked. All the boys had brief look of realization, right after a look of happiness.)

Tae: "I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!!!" (Taehyung yelled while jumping up and down.)

After about 5 mins of celebrating, they all gathered around Y/n for group hug. Afterwards they each said congratulations. After a long night of celebrating we each said our goodbyes, then we headed off to bed

~To be continue ~

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