A Very Special Arrival

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Charmy's Pov

The day finally arrived; Lilly went into labor and I couldn't be more nervous. Heck, I don't think I've ever been this nervous. It didn't help that the doctors had me stay in the waiting room. I paced back and forth in a desperate attempt to calm my nerves.

I then felt someone grab my arm and pull me into a seat. I looked over and saw Espio looking at me. "You need to stop worrying so much, you're gonna make yourself sick," he told me. "I'm sure everything is going to be fine and if something did happen that the doctors would come and tell you."

That made me feel a little better, but I was still pretty worried. Regardless, I tried my best to take Espio's advice and calm down. Soon enough a doctor came and told me I could go see them. When I walked in, I saw what had to be the best thing to ever happen to me; my wife holding our twins.

Our little boy looked just like me. Our daughter looked like her mother, only with both of our eye colors. As I cradled my son in my arms, I couldn't feel anything other than happiness and gratefulness. I asked the love of my life if she had any names picked out. "Well, how about Logan for our little boy?" she asked.

"That's perfect," I said. "How about Violet for our little girl?" She said it was perfect. After a few minutes, we were allowed to have visitors and our friends and family got to meet them. Espio pulled me aside and asked me if I still had any doubts or worries. "Oh of course I do," I told him. "But as long as I got my family with me, how bad can things get?"

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