𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁

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"that's exactly what i'm asking you. is your thick skull not grasping it?"

 is your thick skull not grasping it?"

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mara normally enjoyed stories, but when it involved someone named tyler, she no longer liked stories.  currently xavier was trying to tell mara that he just told wednesday what tyler did to him on outreach day. mara couldn't care less.

"mara, i'm trying to explain to you what happened with tyl-"


"mara i swear-"



"zip zap mother fucker. i don't want to hear anything about tyl-." mara gagged. "god i can't even say it's name."

xavier frowned, feeling upset that mara wouldn't let him explain. mara noticed this and cursed to herself. "look, he did something fucked up. i know that now. i'm really sorry, want me to kill him?"

"no mara."

"damn." mara paused. "why not?"

"why not?!" xavier looked at her like she was crazy. "are you seriously asking me why you shouldn't commit a murder?"

"that's exactly what i'm asking you. is your thick skull not grasping it?"

meanwhile with wednesday and tyler...

the two were sititng next to eachother a mere one metre between the two. wednesday was planning to keep the one metre space between them at all times, or even make it two metres.

"look i-" tyler stuttered. "i wish i could say that it was an accident or that it wasn't half as bad as it sounds, but i'd be lying. and he could have made things a lot worse for me, but he didn't."

to be honest. wednesday could not care less about tyler's shitty excuse about what he did. she really wanted to talk to mara, that's all she was planning to do for the night.

tyler still went on. "i mean, i could give you a million excuses but, the truth is i'm still trying to figure that out. i got sent away to this boot camp and realized that's not the version of myself i want to be."

wednesday continued to look at him boredly while he continued. "a bitter townie that blames everyone else for the shitty hand he's been dealt. look, i did a terrible thing, but i swear i'm not a terrible person. but mara is, she's a terrible person wednesday. you have to trust me."

wednesday's gaze hardened on the boy. "mara? a terrible person? i have very high expectations for the girl and i severly doubt she's going to ruin those expectations. but i really don't care about a lowsy prank. i would have taken it further."

tyler visibly gulped. "right, sorry. but uh like putting piranhas in a swimming pool?"

wednesday looked at him weirdly while he explained him self. "i may have done a little digging on you after we met."

wednesday visibly grimaced. "i'd do it again."

tyler smirked. "i knew there was a reason i liked you."

wednesday wanted to puke. she hasn't puked, ever before. but right now she wanted to, she has never wanted to hear those words come out of someone elses mouth rather than mara's. speaking of mara, she walks in right on time to tyler doesn't have to face humilation in front of his little crush. 

mara merely wanted to have a little bit of alone time away from everyone and everything but instead she was met with the one person she hates, tyler fucking galpin. and a girl she currently is mad at, wednesday addams aka cupcake. 

mara scowled. "well hello, didn't mean to interrupt your little date or makeout sesh. whatever it was, i don't care."

wednesday quickly denied it. "it wasn't a date nor we were making out, actually tyler was just about to leave."

tyler scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "i am?"

he looked up to see mara glaring at him to get out, so he did just that. so the two girls were left alone.

mara sat down next to her, a metre away from wednesday. wednesday mentally frowned as she saw the girl she liked sitting far from her. she shuffled over so she sat closer to the girl. 

"how's bianca?" wednesday asked, getting rid of the awkward silence.

"she's doing fine. how's popcorn haired boy?" mara scoffed while wednesday's frown deepened.

wednesday didn't answer her question. "i wasn't using you for information mara."

mara almost believed her pathetic excuse, but didn't. "right right. so what was the kiss and everything else about huh? was i just you're little experiment? seducing me so you can get closer to xavier?"

wednesday gaze softned. "no i-i'm not sure mara. you make me feel something that no one has ever made me feel before."

"what disgust? is that your only emotion?" mara retorted. mara didn't mean anything she was saying at the moment. she was too pissed and overwhelmed, she isn't thinking before she's saying anything.

wednesday didn't know how to respond. mentally she knew it was anything but disgust. how could anyone be digusted by mara? 

mara was thinking the absolute opposite, she thought wednesday found her gross because of her sexuality. mara was even disgusted of herself as well. publicy she was fine with it but mentally, mara still couldn't see herself as a lesbian. 

mara once again took wednesday's silence as an answer. "okay, alright. i see how it is."

mara licked her lips and gulped to make sure she doesn't start making a scene. so she walks away, and walks back towards where bianca and xavier were sitting.

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red that's all mara could see, not in an anger way. quite literally that's all she could see from her eyeballs. she was just dancing with xavier and ajax. she had to literally force him to stand up and dance. she also tried to get bianca to dance but she politely declined and didn't.

mara wiped her eyes with the back of her hand looked up to see  red paint pouring down from the fire sprinklers. fucking red paint. 

mara watched as people frantically run out of the room, people slipping which she thought was hilarious. xavier looked at her and tried to get her to leave as well.

"xavier just go, i have a feeling about something."

xavier glared at the girl's stubbornness but left anyways since he didn't want his poor white suit to get anymore stained than it is.

mara felt someone grab her suit sleeve and drag her somewhere. she quickly stabilized her walking so she wasn't slipping every second. she looked to see the one and only wednesday addams dragging her.

"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" mara urgently asked. but didn't move her sleeve from wednesday's grasp.

wednesday glanced behind her to mara. "it's an emergency. it's eugune, he's in the woods at the cave. i told him it was a stupid idea. i told him to stand down."

that quickly made mara shut up and let wednesday take her to where eugune is.

authors note:

hello hello guys. i am so so so sorry for not updating, i have been super busy with work and homework and i haven't had the time to update. 

i also got two new piercings, my nose (repierced) and i got my lip done. i love them so much. and i also redyed my hair red, like a dark red and i love it so much.

anyways i hope you guys have been safe, not doing anything too stupid. and i'll try to update more frequently!! <33

𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐂𝐀𝐊𝐄, wednesday addamsWhere stories live. Discover now