Chapter 5: Grandma's Home

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Bedelia and Henry led the twins inside and quickly went up to the 3rd floor in an old-style elevator. As soon as the elevator doors were open the 4 were met with a young teen and an elderly woman. The woman had grey hair in a tight bun, her glasses were pointy, and she wore a baby pink button-up. her legs were covered by a greyish-blue blanket as she sat in her wheelchair. Her feet however were showing. She wore a pink slipper on one foot but seemed to be missing one on the other. The teen had black hair that reached his chin, and the tips of his hair were bright neon green, which made his hair look like it was on fire. A bright green fire. he had the most mischievous grey eyes that danced with amusement. He wore a black leather jacket, ripped jeans and high-heeled black boots. Neither the woman nor the teen seemed to notice Bedelia, Henry or the twins come out of the elevator.

"I can't stand that attitude of yours young man!"

The elderly woman scowled at the teen.

"Bitch. You can't stand at all!"

The teen had a sly smile playing on his lips. He seemed to be enjoying himself.


Bedelia's voice seemed to have startled both the teen and the woman. They snap their heads toward the elevator. The teen's gaze immediately landed on the twins. The teen's eyes seemed to light up his smile growing bigger and full of warmth.

"Well look who it is! My sweet~ little~ brothers~!"

The teen looked at the twins excitedly but unlike Henry, it didn't seem like he would pounce on them.

"Boys, this is one of our sons, meet Gael and the lady over there is my mother and your grandma, Penelope but we call her nana or grandma penny"

Grandma penny looked towards the twins with an unreadable expression on her face.

"I thought you were looking towards getting a girl?"

She asked looking disappointedly at the twins.

Her judging gaze made Miles feel small. He quickly hid behind his brother who looked straight back at her giving her a sharp look.

"Tch. that one is just as bad as this one"

The old woman said gesturing to Nialls and not liking the look he was giving her.


"This is why  grandpa left you, Ugh you angry lonely raisin"



Bedelia pinched the bridge of her nose and took a moment to calm herself. she gave her mother a tired look before turning back to Gael

"Gael, take Miles and Nialls to their new rooms to get settled in. Henry and I will have a talk with grandma"

Henry who has been silent during this whole interaction sent the twins a comforting smile before turning back at grandma penny with a troubled expression.

"Alright! Up we gooo~!"

Before Miles or Nialls knew they were being held in someone's arms. Gael had picked them up and began walking away and down one of the many hallways in the home. Miles's immediate reaction was to freeze and clutch Gael's jacket nervously. Nialls on the other hand began kicking, hitting, and biting Gael's hand, however, Nialls didn't want to hurt him he knew Gael meant no harm. Gael didn't mind Nialls trashing around. He giggled and held Nialls closer to him. Gael skipped happily through the hallway his heels making a clicking sound. They passed through many different doors. After a while Miles seemed to relax and curiously looked at the many paintings along the wall and Nialls grumpily settled down in Gael's hold leaving the cheery teen with a victorious smirk. Before they knew it Gael had stopped skipping and set. the twins down in front of a set of wooden double doors. The doors were huge and beautifully carved with cute little bunnies running around flowers. Miles & Nialls were carved at the very center of the double doors. Miles's hand came up to trace the delicate bunnies on the door.

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