'You were the one I was meant to find'.

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"~You think it's easy, you think I don't want to run to you~".

I sang that bit but still hear Mumble continue to tap to the beat, it felt....... Just right, I decided to continue on singing but I had my back to him.

"~But there are mountains and there are doors that we can't walk through~".

I turned around slowly as I felt my heartsong beat rapidly. Mumble seemed to beat along with my singing in time as I felt myself smile.

"~I know your wondering why because we are able to be just you and me within these walls. But when we go outside, you're going to wake up and see that it was hopeless after all~".

I sang out a little more as Mumble speed up his movements and I waddled towards him.

"~No one can rewrite the stars, how can you say you'll be mine?, everything keeps us apart and I'm not the one you were meant to find. It's not up to you, it's not up to me, when everyone tells us what we can be. How can we rewrite the stars?, say that world can be ours tonight~".

I sang out infront of Mumble as he speed up his movements and I started to join in.

"~All I want is to fly with you, all I want is to fall with you, so just give me all of you. It feels impossible, is it impossible?, say that it's possible!~".

I sang out loud as Mumble paced his movements and soon stopped as my eyes widened along with his. We both started smiling as I chirped happily. There's the Mumble I know and love.

Narrators POV.

(Y/N) and Mumble sang/danced together as every penguin that is around them joined in with the two. It got to the point where they started dancing together in the main land and the elders took notice of this.

"What do they think they are?, where is Noah?!, this is getting out of hand".

One of the elders called out as all of the penguins were having fun dancing and singing (Y/N)s song with Mumble.

"See Mumble, what's the fun of being someone else when you can be you?".

(Y/N) asked as she danced with Mumble and he danced along with her. He had a happy smile on his face.

Meanwhile up on top of the snow berg is the elders bringing in Noah.

"Behold Noah look, this was an omen from the start and now we have this uprising!".

Noah was in shock as he had a scowl on his face.


Noah shouted but it was ignored by the penguins who are having fun.

"Stop it right now!".

Soon the penguins stopped except for (Y/N) and Mumble as they are tap dancing together.

"A little self control if you please, you bring this disorder, this aberration into the heart of our community. Have you lost your minds?!".

Noah shouted, causing both (Y/N) and Mumble to stop and turn to the elders on the ice berg.

"We're just having fun".

"Harmless fun".

"Harmless?, it's this kind of backsliding that has brought us the scarcity upon us".

Noah shouted out as one of the smaller penguins asked.

"Hey, can you speak plain penguin please?".

"He thinks the food shortage has something to do with me".

"You're the one I have been waiting for" (Mumble x Blue Emperor Penguin Reader).Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя