Cracks in the Realm

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The realm barrier is the most important thing of magic in the world, it is what keeps our realm and other separate Dimensions from colliding and causing ultimate chaos. however some can create new dimensions, and new worlds to explore. These people are often known as realm creators, and due to them creating New Dimensions they are quite often dealing with the realm barrier. Thankfully for those who are experienced, there is no collision with the barrier and everything stays safe, however for those who have been trapped on one side or the other, they will attempt to tear through the barrier. What happens during this is that a black substance will slowly start to cover the infected area, with purple light Illuminating the area. unless blessed by someone who is known for working with the realm the entire area will slowly spread and corrupt the entire world. although the spread is extremely slow, the likelihood of this happening is very low.

It was high noon as the sun creaked through the crack of the ancient crumbling wall covered in ivy, the beam landed on a small circular structure. An earthquake shook the whole island rocking the stone statue, cracks came from within it as a bright light suddenly glared from within. With a flash, the structure crumbled as the entire ruin around it collapsed into itself until it was just a pile of rubble buried with leaves.

The rubble shifted as a hard dragged its way out of the pile coughing, a woman emerged covered head to toe in dirt, dust, and mud. She dragged herself out of the rubble and looked around the mess of the ruin. Time had not been kind to the island, though it was unclear how much.

She dusted herself off and pulled herself to her feet after she crawled out of the rubble, spitting the gravel out of her mouth as she untangled the vines of ivy from around her. She watched as her hand went to a dark stain alongside her side, and started to hobble along the overgrown city. The dark patch slowly grew larger until she finally stumbled onto a sand-covered batch of beach, she leaned against the crumbling stone wall as the water slowly rose higher against her legs. Soon she had fallen into the sea and disappeared beneath the rolling waves, leaving only a bloodstained trail going from the forest to the sea, where it was slowly disappearing with the help of the waves.

"Remember to pick up the fishing baskets on the way back from the river." "Yes, Mom!" A young girl with dark brown hair and hazel eyes hugged her mother, a large tan woman with similar eyes and hair dressed in a dark blue dress with a tan apron on as she headed down the trail in the woods towards the water.

The girl soon arrived at the water, she rolled up the skirt of her dress before she waded into the water to grab the baskets. The first was empty, and the second rewarded her with a large salmon, though it tried to escape she was able to move the basket to the edge of the river to the land. The third and fourth gave only disappointment within, finally, she got to the last basket and pulled it towards her, inside she was rewarded with a couple of smaller salmon.

Thrilled she reset the baskets then made her way to the shore, collected the other fish, and started making her way back to the village. As she walked back she heard growling coming from the forest, she quickly picked up the pace and ran back to her village. She ran into her small house and showed her mother the fish, "I did it!"

"Well done! Did you have any trouble with anything?" Her mother asked, as she took the fish from her and began cooking them, her knife making short work of them.

"No, everything was fine! The river was darker than normal though..." She replied as she sat down at the kitchen table.

"What?" Her mother asked as her knife thumped down on the cutting board leaving a dent in it, she turned towards her daughter and sternly told her, "Lee, stay in the house for the next few days, with the recent rise of those horrible Shadow things they likely did something to the river." She then rinsed off her knife then set it down, she then walked over to her daughter and gave her a big hug, "Be careful love, I would hate for anything to happen to you."

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