Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

I put my food aside and walked over to it. I opened the bag and the scent of fragrance and herbs flowed out of it. The crystals and rosemary I bought from the lady. A sad smile filled my face at the memory of the kind old lady. I wonder how she is now. I took out the crystals and admired their beauty, I would definitely be taking these with me.

Not knowing what else to do I went to the kitchen window to see if Masky had made it back. Fear was gnawing at my stomach, Masky seemed confident about fighting but his body language told a completely different story before we both separated. I decided to go ahead and get the first aid we had stored just in case. I sat on the kitchen table and turned around back to the window. As I continued to scour the forest I noticed a little yellow blob start to creep out of the forest.

It was Masky, I let out a sigh of relief but as I continued to look at him I noticed the dark stains of blood on him. Shit, I hoped that it was someone else's and not his. I ran to the front door and called out for him.

"Masky, over here!" I yelled out to him.

He saw me and stood there for a second, then suddenly he started sprinting towards me, with his crowbar in hand. A wave of dread washed over me as I realized what kind of state he was in, he wasn't himself. I ran inside and slammed the door, just as I finished the top lock a loud bang erupted from outside the door and made the door shake on its hinges. I took a step back and kept my eyes on the door. Another bang, then another, on the third bang a crack emitted from the door. He's gonna break the door down.

My eyes widened at the realization and I fled to my room, but I was too late. The door crashed open and he saw me run to my room. I slammed my door just in time for him to be shut out. I had my back turned against the door to try and keep him out but it wasn't working. It was like a game of tug or war, I would push the door back but he would force it open again and again.

"Snap out of it!" I screeched at him, my eyes scanned the surface of my room to see if I could find anything to hit him with because I knew what would happen if he got in here. With one last thrust he threw me to the ground and the door slammed against the wall. Fear took over my features as he stared at me.

I was still for a second as I tried to think of what to do. I tried to scramble up from the floor but he ran over to me and pushed me against the bed. He clutched his crowbar and raised it to strike down on me , but I rolled out of the way just in time. I reached out of the glass cup that was on my desk and threw it at him.

His body recoiled backwards, I felt bad for the further damage I was causing to him, but right now, I just needed to not die. I sprinted out of the room and searched the living room for something to throw at him again. A hard force knocked me out of my thoughts and sent me skidding on the floor. I tried to steady myself and stand back up but he launched himself on top of me. He grabbed my hands but I managed to wiggle one free and punch him in the stomach.

He let out a small grunt at the punch and clutched it with his hands. I shoved him off and stood back up. I watched him regain his composure but I could tell that the blood loss and exhaustion was catching up to him. He stumbled a couple of times but eventually regained his balance and stood up. He started walking towards me again, I clutched my hands in fists, ready for his attack. He clutched his crowbar and swayed and stumbled, he was still coming towards me.

Right as he got near me he stumbled and fell on me. I managed to catch him in my arms but not without almost being taken down as well. I let out a sigh since I wouldn't have to hurt him again, I started dragging him to the coach. I put his upper body onto it then lifted his legs onto the coach alongside it. I took a glance at him, I didn't realize it before but he had a huge spot of blood soaked onto his jacket on his left shoulder.

There were some other minor spots of blood on his legs and a rather large sum of blood dripping from his face but none as worriering as the shoulder wound. I ran to the kitchen and picked up the first aid and ran back. He was still out cold, and if I didn't act fast enough he might just stay that way.

I went to his side and placed the kit down beside me. The fear of him actually dying in my hands finally clicked in my head and squeezed my heart. My hands held a light shake to them as I got the gloves from the first aid kit and slid them on my hands. I unzipped his jacket and peeled it away from the wound. I pushed the jacket aside and grabbed the scissors and cut the shirt so that I had access to the wound. When I finally had a clear sight of it it made me gag. It almost seemed as if something had halfway impaled him.

I squeezed my eyes close and regained my composure. I got a cloth and pushed it onto the wound to stop the excessive bleeding. After a minute of waiting I went and grabbed another piece of cloth and took the blood soaked cloth off and grabbed some alcohol. I knew it would hurt him but he shouldn't be able to feel anything right now. I got the clean cloth and dabbed some alcohol onto it and patted it onto the wound. I tried to remember what else you would do because I was definitely no medic.

I got a roll of gauze and wrapped it around the wound until it was adequately covered and finished it off with a little piece of tape securing it in place. I was quite satisfied with my work, for one one who had never had medical training I thought did pretty well. Now I needed to focus on the other wounds that were still leaking blood. The one that was concerning me the most was the one that was assuringly on his face.

I thought about what to do, he must wear the mask for a reason, even though he's been cruel to me I don't wanna make him angry at me for removing it. I bit my lip and weighed my decisions, I finally landed on the idea that I rather him be angry and alive than happy and dead.

I squeezed my eyes and started to undo the latch that held it in place behind his mask. I fiddled with it until I heard a click signifying that it had come undone. I held my breath as I unmasked the man that had put me through all of this shit.

My breath hitched, he was quite handsome, much more that I would have expected him to be. His eyelashes were long and a deep brown color that made them pop from his face. His skin was pale alongside with some small scars that littered his face. He had sideburns mixed in with a little stubble on his lower face. I felt my face get a little warm, snap out of it, he could be dying right now!

I shook my head to expel the thoughts about his face. I brought my attention to the large scratch that went from the side of his eye brow down to his cheek. It would surely leave a scar but maybe I could prevent some of it. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed some more rags to stop the bleeding and what not.

I pushed one of them onto the wound and held it there. After a little bit I took the rag off and adverted my gaze to find the peroxide in the kit.

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