Running On Empty.

Start from the beginning

"Tell me that you're still mine
Tell me that we'll be just fine
Even when I lose my mind
I need to say
Tell me that it's not my fault
Tell me that I'm all you want
Even when I break your heart"

Dean chuckled sadly because he's sure the angel would tell him that none of this was his fault, but it was. It was all his fault. He always put his brother and well other people above Castiel, shoving him to the side until he would get hurt then suddenly the hunter would be there to care and worry. No wonder the angel didn't tell him until the very last moment they could have together. God, Dean was such a piece of shit. Through all the hardships they've been through since the angel showed him he's done nothing but try to help them, to help the hunter. He's sacrificed himself for what he thought was a better way to solve a problem. Even if it helped others it was all for one man. All for the hunter because he loved him, he was so deeply in love with the human that he was willing to do anything.

Castiel was even willing to risk his life, his happiness, to take Death out of the picture so she couldn't get to the hunter. He saved him once again. That's just who Castiel is. A brave, strong, angel of the lord that gave it all up for Dean Winchester whom he fell in love with along the way. It was like loving a bomb probably. Except the hunter didn't have a timer he just blew up when he blew up and he would lash out at anyone in his way. Dean really can't fathom, after everything how the angel stayed with him so long. How he could love him when the hunter put him through so much that he didn't deserve. Why did Dean mistreat him so much. He never meant to to it seemed he just couldn't help it.

"I really am the one who burned us down huh?" Dean sniffled as he slowly got up, compartmentalizing the incident and shoving it deep down within himself

It was the only way he could keep going. To keep fighting because they were never finished. It's what he always did. He'll cry, scream, and break shit later. The door burst opened and Sam rushed in, looking for his brother and Castiel only to find one of them. He could tell things were not okay. It was written in the aging wrinkles on his Dean's face. Anguish and loss. It was the same look he had when Lucifer killed Castiel the second time and he wrapped up his body for the pyre. It was even similar to the look Sam saw first had when Lucifer killed Castiel then Bobby using his body. Castiel wasn't in the room so Sam could only assume the worst had happened especially after observing the bloody handprint on Dean dark green jacket. They had lost Castiel. His brother lost someone very important to him.

"Dean... where's Cas?" Sam asked carefully and his brother just stepped past him, shoving his hands in his pockets

"The Empty took him." Dean answered simply, walking towards the open door as the other whirled around worriedly

"Cas said he loved me and the goddamn Empty took him." He added trying to hold waves of his emotions back as he walked out the door, leaving his brother to run after him

"Dean wait!" Sam called, but the older kept walking down the corridor like a man on a mission

"What do you mean he said he loved you and the empty took him?!" The brunette grabbed his brother's shoulder to stop him

Dean jerked out of the taller's grip turning to look at him.
"Don't!" He said then gritted his teeth

"Cas confessed to me and the Empty came outta no where. I don't know why or house, but it took him and I didn't say a damn thing!" He answered voice getting louder towards the end

Sam just looked at him showing compassion and understanding as usual. The older looked away because he just couldn't bare it. Sam much like as was too understanding. Let him get away with too much bullshit. Why did the Empty have to take him? Why was he smiling? Wasn't there something they could do? Some way they could have changed the outcome. There's always a way. He once thought that but over the years that had dwindled. Even if they somehow did come out on top it was because god wanted them to not because they had good luck. He controlled everything after all. Dean wants to blame him but he can't blame Chuck for not replying to Castiel when he told him he loved him. That wasn't god's doing. That was his own fault.

"I didn't..." Dean's voice broke, lip quivering as he grab his chest

Sam's face filled with remorse. He knows how Dean is feeling. He felt the same when Jessica was killed, same with Eileen. The loss of your most important person can take a toll on your everlasting soul. Deans was probably caving in on itself. That's what it probably feels like anyway. Sam had seen and watched his brother interact with Castiel from many years now. He knows they were nothing more than friends on the surface, but their relationship went deeper if you looked harder. It was the subtle things. However he also knew his bother very well and Dean would never let things go further than then being friends. Sam was never sure if he realized that's what Castiel wanted or if he did know, but just kept him at a distance because that was safer for both of them.

"I'm tired of loosin' Sammy and I want this to be over... so let's finish it before I can't keep goin'." Dean wiped his face harshly before turning and continuing down the hall

Sam didn't stop him this time because he could understand where his brother was coming from. It's time this ended anyway. They were both tired. Beaten down by the world that never gave them a chance. They have both lost too much yet the world that kept kicking their ass would keep urging them to continue even when they were dead on their feet. That's the family business for you. Sam knows his father would say that to them. Except the family is dead and the ones left alive are pretty much completely miserable. Maybe when they end this officially they can just go to a beach and hang out there for a while. Maybe they can let their worries melt away like the ice cubes in an alcoholic tropical drink. Sam knows Dean would very much enjoy that.


~Yes, I'm mad at Dean even though he's my favorite. He should have said anything other than what he did/didn't say or just hugged Castiel ;-; why did he just stand there ;-;. I hate the writers for doing that! Why did they do my boys like that ;-;.~

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