"Men do not want to be your friends!" He argued "I know men, I am one myself, I know how they think, and what they want. When they look at you, they do not think of being your friend"

"Why can you not trust me?!" I said

"I do trust you, it is them I do not trust!" We look at each other angrily "Is he why?"

"Why what?" I scoffed

"Why you do not want to accept my proposal-"


"No! You keep on rejecting me over and over again, I thought it was just because you wanted me to pursue you, but it has been a week, and you have not given in. But this is just it, is it not? You are just waiting for the duke to make his own proposal, being Viscountess is not enough for you, so what is better than being a duchess? And of course, it certainly helps that he is richer" I looked at him in disbelief

"Do you not know me?" I scoff "You know neither does a title or money matter to me. Why are you even saying this, have you not gotten to know me all this months we have spent together?"

"Yes, well I am not sure if I even know you anymore" Anthony grumbled "Perhaps you never were the person you acted like, and now I got to know your true colors, you are nothing more than the same as the rest of ladies in the ton, all interested in titles and money, and nothing else"

Tears prickled in my eyes "Well I am glad I finally got to know what it is you think about me. You finally found out, what you think I am really like, before It was too late, did you not?"

"And to think I was finally going to agree to be your wife today, thought I made you wait too long, seems like it was the right decision to reject you from the start, after all" I walked away from him, opening the door and going outside

"Wait," He called out but I ignored him "Y/n, wait!"

I ran off towards the stables, and with just my luck, the sky was now cloudy, rain pouring down. I continued down my path, opening up the stables and grabbing a horse.

It did not matter whether it was prepared to be ridden for or not, I wanted to get away from the house, and Anthony, as quickly as possible. I climbed on and nudged the horse to start running.

"Y/n, wait!" Anthony called out opening the door and running after me "It is too dangerous, you can get hurt!"

Rain continued pouring, my body and clothes now wet, and blurring my vision. We trudged through the fields, I making the horse turn to the side, trying to lose Anthony who was now behind me, he had grabbed a horse and rode after me.

"Y/n!" I heard Anthony get closer

"I want to be alone" i yelled back

I looked around everywhere, trying to decipher where I could go to lose him. I saw a space between some trees, unfortunately, rocks and shrubbery blocked the path. I breathed in, trying to let go of my fear. I urged the horse to go faster, so I could be be able to jump over it.

"No, no! Anthony yelled frightened "Do not do it!"

The horse stood up on its hind legs, the force of gravity and my fingers slipping off the reigns, made me fall off.


I hit my head on a rock, the impact making black spots cloud my eyes before everything darkened.



Anthony stared at Y/n's body in shock, his blood went frozen cold, horror racking all over his body as he urged the horse to ride faster towards her. He did not even wait for the horse to stop before he jumped off, running quickly to Y/n.

Tales of a Heart ▪︎ Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now