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I walked out the car with my outfit on and Si was just staring at me walk up. He opened the car door for.

"Just drool at this point"I said smiling.

"Fuck up cuz" he said. Then slammed my car door closed.

"Where we going?"I asked.

"Wherever I drive to , sit back and enjoy the ride"he said.

I put on my seatbelt then he put on his. I looked away out the window because there was no reason to be so rude.

He pulled off at 100mph causing me to shoot back into my seat, hitting my head.

"Damn wtf"I said.

At this point I just went into my phone and posted the picture of me I took before I left on instagram.

I had a pretty good following on instagram because I stay consistent, I eventually wanna start promoting products for money

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I had a pretty good following on instagram because I stay consistent, I eventually wanna start promoting products for money.

Anyways back to his boring self

I am super sensitive and wanted to cry at this point I didn't think it could get answer worse.

It did, when he pulled into mcdonald's.

I thought maybe he was joking , cause I'm not eating at mcdonald's dressed like this.

He hopped out the car and went inside, not even saying nothing to me.

Uhhhhh...I thought to myself see this exactly why niggas ain't shi.

I opened the car door for myself and went in behind him , waiting for a clown to pop out because he gotta be joking.

I felt stares from people kinda making me nervous cause I hate being judged. I played with my fingers and looked down.

"Aye let me get a kids meal with a apple juice please and apple slices"he said.

I know damn well this nigga don't got a damn kid.

They gave him , his food he paid then we got back in the car.

He called someone on his phone.

"Ye im on the way tell my lil sis I got her food and i'm boutta drop it off now"he said.

I was so relieved and I guess he sensed that.

"You passed "he said.

"I passed what?"I said.

"The goldigger test"he said.

The fact that even had to test me for that is what got me messed not up , not even the whole thing in general.

"The fact you had to test me for that , like i'm these other bitches out here is crazy"I said.

I got out the car and walked into the Mcdonald's.

"Ian chasing no hoe"I heared him mumble.

I went in and texted Zay, while I watched Si pulled off.

Best 💙

Come pick me up yo homeboys a ass


How y'all feel about that "date"  .

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