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Kaia Williams

We all pulled up to the location , and all hopped out the car outside the crowd.

There was a group gathered in a circle so we all pushed through to get to the middle. I saw Lani getting tackled by this big gorilla looking girl.

I tied my hair up , and started jumping in cause she wasn't boutta fight my sister with her gorilla self.

I tackled the gorilla and started hitting her face causing her sister to get on me to. Dee pushed the girl off of me , and I stomped the gorilla out.


"For someone so shy you sure do know how to fight" Ant said.

"What you want me to do let my sister get beat"I said.

The other girls started running cause there momma kept out looking for them threatening to call 12.

I told Lani to get in the car so I could take her home, I didn't really want to cause of the scars and didn't wasn't my mom to overreact.

"Aye, if you got a minute come here"Si said.

He know damn on well ion got no damn minute right now.

I walked over to him near his car window, it smelt like straight gas but he tried to cover it up wit cologne.

Musty ass.

"Wassup" I said.

"You can fight , but if you can't be  wit me later I get it you going through sum"he said.

"I'll let you know in like a hour"I said.

I walked away, and felt him starting at my ass. I said goodbye to the rest of the gang and told them i'll talk to them later.

I hopped into the driver seat of the car and saw Lani staring at the window.

"Why that girl was trying to fight you Lani"I said.

"Cause that girl bumped into me in the hall at school and I called her a big bitch".

I laughed a little , ain't even no reason to be mad about it.

"Next time if you know you gonna fight a girl of that...circumference call me before"I said.

I turned up the radio and played my R&Me playlist when I played Kill Bill by SZA.

Me and Lani sang , all the way to our house and I saw that mom wasn't home which was the perfect timing.

"Come on Lani hurry up" I said.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bathroom , I took out my makeup kit.

"We don't need mom to overreact cause you know how she goes crazy over her kids"I said , she laughed.

I covered the few scratches on her face , other than that she won in my opinion.

I ordered a pizza for her sense I was about to leave.

That rude person

Hey Si i'm still able to go just come pick me up I said

Ight ma be ready by 6


I checked the time and it was only 4:32 so I needed to get out these bloody clothes. I picked out what I was a wearing  black sundress with some black high heels, I have no clue where he taking me.

I put my dirty clothes away , hopped in the shower and begun my hygiene routine. I then hopped out brushed my teeth washed my face , and got dressed. I put my hair in a slick back bun.

I went in my sisters room to make sure she was ok and she was sleep.

By the time I got done it was 5:52 . I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottled water. I was highkey nervous to go out on this date. So I can't really eat or drink.

My stomach started hurting super bad , so I knew I would have to calm myself down. I did my anxiety exercises to make sure I was ok. I was able to chill m a little.

Although it works better if I keep myself busy with something , I heared the horn.

a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

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