"You're coming with me." I tell him. He nods, and runs to go get his knives. Even though Danielle doesnt like the weapons in the tents Miguel still keeps his knives in there along with my pocket knife under my pillow. While he goes back into our tent my thoughts drift again. I don't really know Lilley and I sure as hell won't let her die of an asthma attack. I go over to the bin that has my weapons and pick up my katana. After a couple seconds Miguel comes back and we start to descend into the forest to go back into town.

"You know for someone who doesn't like people you are quick to be the one to take charge and help." Miguel notes.

I sigh. "I may not like being around people or like people being in our group but I'm not a monster. I don't deem it necessary to let someone I don't know struggle." I tell Miguel. I think back to when everything first happened. How I killed someone. That haunts me everyday. Maybe that's why I want to help Lilley so much. Even if I don't know Lilley I would feel guilty if she died. My hand subconsciously goes to my neck where the cross necklace lies.

"What about Cora?" Miguel asks. I sigh and glance down at the ground.

"What about her?" I question hesitantly.

"What happened between you two?" I sigh.

"Stupid teenage drama. She chose her boyfriend over me." I smile sadly and glance up at him. He grabs my hand.

"If they asked to stay with our group what would you say?" Miguel rubs his thumb across my knuckles and keeps his vision in front of him. I look down to the ground.

"Probably what I said yesterday. No." I inform. He sighs and looks at me.


"Cause...cause if something happened to either of them i would never let go of that guilt. I'm the leader of this small group, everyone knows that, and I'm supposed to lead and if I make a wrong choice that could put everyone in danger I would never get over that, and I already have you and Danielle to think about." I explain. Miguel sighs and stops walking. I stop walking so I can face him.

"Bella, you are not alone. You have me and Danielle and if you allow it you could have two more people to help so not everything would be on your shoulders." I look down. I know I have them. I know I could open up like I did with Miguel but I can't. I still have that fear of abandonment. I still have that fear that if I open up they will use my past and scars against me. I glance up at Miguel again before looking down again.

"Let's keep going, yeah?" I say as I start to walk again. Miguel sighs and follows me. The rest of the walk is silent. Only me and my thoughts. Maybe I should let them stay. I'll think about it. If they ask again I will give the answer. It would benefit the group if we had more people. It would also benefit them. It's been six months since everything went down and my guess they have been on their own since. If they continue being on their own they won't survive. I inwardly sigh. Right as we broke the tree line we got into town.

The last time I came to town there wasn't this many undead. There were about ten or twenty. I couldn't really tell. I look at Miguel and put a figure to my lips, signaling to be quiet. I then point right. He nods and goes to the right side of the street. I go to the left. I put two figures in my mouth and whistled. The whilst was loud and echoed throughout the town. The undead turned their rotting corpses in my direction and started dragging themselves to me. I signed Miguel to go up behind them and kill them.

I was walking backwards and when some undead got too close for comfort I would slash their head in half with my katana. Miguel snuck behind the undead and stabbed each and every one in the head. So he didn't make any noise or blow his cover; he would gently and quietly lay the undead on the ground. Only five more undead to take down. So close. Miguel was about to sneak up on another undead when an undead found him and came up behind him. My eyes widened. "Watch out!" I scream. He turned around right as the undead put its rotten hand on his shoulder.

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