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Silence filled the air as she stumbled her way through the streets, adorned with splashes of red splattered across her face and an expression that scared off any passerby attempting to offer her help

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Silence filled the air as she stumbled her way through the streets, adorned with splashes of red splattered across her face and an expression that scared off any passerby attempting to offer her help. Not a single word had been uttered from her since the night before.

The streets had long been abandoned, becoming nothing but the ghosts of what once was, as everything seemed to have been frozen in place. Cars had been long forgotten, left to rot across the road, their contents long scavenged by other survivors as the overgrown grass emanating from the wooded areas, slowly creeped onto the road, consuming everything in its path.

Even then so, the streets still held a familiar gregarious feeling to them, welcoming the company of all who passed. If it hadn't been for the overgrown grass, no one would have ever thought the place had seen the worst part of the outbreak yet. This was a street where real life had been, the turning of skipping ropes and shrieks of children, the skid marks of wheels...

Nightfall was quickly approaching as she walked down the old road, watching the old street- lamps flicker as they struggled to turn back on and shine through the night. Power had been something long forgotten throughout the outbreak as the Night quickly became more dangerous than the day. 

With no electricity, nighttime meant it would be harder to see the infected.

And yet the pesky street lights still tried their best to function, stubbornly trying to share their amber glow throughout the night. Something Hannah could no longer relate to. She could no longer find that same stubbornness to continue, not after everything she'd been through.

Not after everything she'd lost...

Many had passed by the girl offering aid, yet she was stoic being alone, stoic when they gave up and continued their way, leaving her behind to fend for herself. Truth was, Hannah was better off alone.

She couldn't lose anyone else if it was just her...

The days had quickly become like strangers in passing to her, as she began to lose her grip on reality. There were no longer good and bad days, they were simply just... days. It didn't seem like anything would happen, as if another day would come and pass with the sun rising and falling.

But this was something she had to do; she needed to find safety. It not for herself then for the others who gotten her this far. She wouldn't let their sacrifice be for nothing.

With a sigh, she continued her way, following the path of painted signs leading to some sort of safe zone for survivors...


The tall grass swayed from side to side against the wind while Hannah stared out the window, lost in thought as they made their way to Atlanta in search for a supposed safe zone, which Hannah had yet to hear about for herself. Her faith in this place working out had greatly dimimished as she thought about the one they had previously stayed in. If something that horrific could happen within the blink of an eye, then who's to say this safe zone in the city was any better? 

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