I lean back against the wall, staring at his eyes. What reason could he possibly have to think any of what he did was okay? He leads this group, which means he isn't being controlled or forced, and as far as I know, he doesn't have anyone in his life that could be threatened, encouraging his actions.

Whatever it is, it's coming from him.

"What is it then?"

He shakes his head. "There is still a risk you may escape from here. That your father may uncover our compound. If you know the truth, our cause will be ruined."

"That's a good thing," I say. He obviously isn't convinced his cause will be enough to sway me, since he's so scared of me getting out and telling my father.

That, or it's too important to gamble with...

"I will tell you as soon as I am able. For now, I'm not asking you to trust me. I am asking you to be as calm as possible and to remain here until we have completed our task," he tells me calmly, like he's trying to soothe me.

"No chance." I don't just want to sit around and wait. They don't stand a chance...they haven't succeeded so far, so it's unlikely they will achieve anything now.

I could well be here forever. And if that's the case, I'll go insane.

"I am still your mate, Kiva. In everything I do I have your best interests in mind."

He leans forward, looking like he wants to touch me. I draw my legs up, out of his reach. It's easier to hate him when he isn't close, when the mate bond doesn't buzz between us, distracting me.

"I have a husband who will hunt you down," I warn him quietly.

If father is aware of my absence by now, Caspian will be too and they will be wanting me back. And considering I went missing with Ark, they will know who to track down, and they will want blood.

A cold, ruthless anger settles over him. "I hope he does. Then I can kill him."

"You would love that, wouldn't you?" I mutter bitterly. He's always hated Caspian, and although I can understand why, the Prince doesn't deserve to die because of his jealousy.

His eyes are dark, haunting. "Oh yes, I would."

"My father will notice I'm missing too. There will be a Territory wide hunt for me, and I will be found."

"I fear that may be true. For now, you are here, with me. That is what matters." He rolls his shoulders, forcing himself to relax. He's struggling with this.

"Are you going to kill me? Is that the plan?" This has to end somehow...

He frowns, taken aback. "No...of course not."

I shift forward a little, leaning forward so he can see the desperation in my eyes. He needs to feel sorry for me, to want to get me out of here above whatever his hidden motivation is.

"Then let me go. I'll run as far away as I can. No one will ever know who you are," I beg. I don't think I mean it, but I'll do anything to escape.

He shakes his head. "I can't take that risk."


"Even if I wanted to let you go, do you really think I could live without you? You're my mate...if you're running away, it's with me." He places his hand on his chest with surety.

I tap my foot impatiently against the ground. He says that, but I've heard those empty words before.

"You were never going to run away with me, were you? You just said that to appease me," I remind him. He's proven that to me now that all of this has been revealed. It's his creation, and he's not just going to give that up.

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